DK Class Changes First Alpha Pass

He was using a 2h in Legion too its just hidden.

Does it mean that arms is going to shift to a gladiator type style now that they can shield slam and shield block? No, not at all.

Does them giving Frost Dk’s the option to 2h mean that Frost is going to have a 2h focus? No it doesnt.

Opinions are not facts. You may be right, you may not. Only time will tell.

Edit: However, as a 2H fan, I love the direction they are going atm. Adding frost dmg to Obliterate STRONGLY indicates they are attempting to balance 2h.

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That was my point exactly. Just because the option has returned doesnt mean anything other than you can use a 2h.

Or they just want Obliterate to scale somewhat with mastery and its their idea to make that happen. Since Obliterate is a favorite among Frost Dk’s it should scale better than it does. And DW gains more from the KM change at this point in time.

Sure, but given the attention this issue has triggered in conjunction with the fact that it was explicitly mentioned as a change in the class updates for Alpha combined with adding new runeforges and adding frost damage to Obliterate, i think it is fair to assume Bliz is not just merely adding 2h weapons as a cosmetic option.

If that was the case, it would have been far easier to just add a transmog option.


New runeforges and frost damage also apply to DW.

Agreed… they do indeed.

They could also give 2H a flat 50% damage buff.

I guess we’ll have to wait and see

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Well said. Hehe

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And why would they do that? People were just asking for the option. Blizz we just want the option, I just want to look cool, a transmog option would be fine" was said all over the place. If they got this feedback then that is what they might go with.

They could just flat out give 2h a 3000% damage buff. No reason to think that though.

You seem to be under the mistaken belief that we entered into some pact where Blizzard only agreed to give us 2Handed back if it’s worse. This isn’t true. Blizzard never stated that intention, nor did we enter into any agreement with Blizzard to make that so.


Honestly I was hoping the developers would make something like dual wielding excel at aoe and cleaving while 2h would be better for single target. That way they wouldn’t be competing with each other and fall into their own strength and weaknesses.


Now that is both a great idea and compromise. A++

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Is that what that quote says or are you changing what was said to stir the pot once again?

Just to clarify, Lichborne gives 10% Leech but no longer gives the 30% damage reduction right? And it also makes you immune to only charm sleep fear now?

Sounds about right, also it makes you fall under the undead creature category while active. Meaning spells that affect undead (Like paladin Wake of Ashes stunning undead) will affect you. On the plus side as well Death Coil can be used to heal yourself.

Big reason Lichborne does less now is because it is separate from Icebound Fortitude and not replacing it

It swapped schools with stun. So yeah it’s charm, sleep, and fear now. Also doesn’t prevent roots or snares now.

And you ask me:

Why would they leave it with such an obvious handicap?

The same could be said about leaving it with a 15% nerf compared to DW


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Because people were just asking for the option to use a 2h. Aesthetics, option, i dont care about dps give the the choice and so on. If this is what they got in terms of feedback then Blizzard has done it and its finished.

Sure, but do you really think that is all this is? And that is all Blizzard will do, just allow you to use your abilities with a 2H weapon?

In all honesty, you can’t possibly think this is what will happen can you?

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I dont like the speculate the future with no evidence. Sometimes it has to be done, but there is absolutely nothing thus far that 2h will be balanced with DW or even take over as the main weapon option.

Blizzard wants some uniqueness so it could very well be the case that they keep it as is and just create a fun spec, allowing people to have the option at a dps loss. Is it a 100% possibility, of course not, but its highly likely based on past events.