Yeah, my hope is that whole timeline gets cleared up in the books because it would bother me if Sylvanas has been working with the Jailer since Cata. But the original quote about it is vague enough that it might mean something different.
We’ll find out more of her motivations in Shadowlands and that her relationship with the Jailer dates back a bit. Edge of Night story involves this relationship.
I think it’s possible this means that she first becomes aware of the Jailer and his forces in the Shadowlands in Edge of Night but doesn’t really join up with him directly until Helya in Legion. I think the story is better if Sylvanas is reeled in slowly until she realizes that she’s in too deep to turn back than she’s been in the Jailer’s pocket the whole time.
You made the claim of representing “countless people” My reply is a reminder that you represent no one but yourself. Just like the rest of us. If you have issues with people that disagree with you, a public forum isn’t a place you should be posting on.
This is why I like to view what happened with Teldrassil and the whole fourth war as a test of loyalty. Zovaal needs to know she can be trusted and what better way than a sign of good faith. Denathrius had to do it with the anima drought so Sylvanas was a large collection of souls. Still have it where Sylvanas went after the Night Elves on her own accord though. That way she can’t simply point to the Jailer and say, “he forced me to do it I swear”.
Yeah, especially because it’d tie in well with other tests to Sylvanas’ resolve like dominating Anduin. It’s this escalating series of questions: How far is Sylvanas willing to go to accomplish her goal? The answer is pretty dang far, obviously, but it’d be nice to have that build up.
(Even though the other part of me thinks the Burning of Teldrassil is a story black hole and more the lore that gets layered on top of it, the more it just pulls everything down with it.)
Didn’t they basically do that though? They’re already blaming Zooval for everything Sylvanas did, since Zooval was apparently using the other half of her soul as a bargaining chip to hopefully keep her loyal. Until he used the All will serve comment that snapped her out of it
I might be over reading it to be honest. But thats the impression I got
I have wondered if she was ever aware a piece of herself was missing to begin with. Zovaal seems like he held it in reserve to use as a failsafe to easily dispose of her; he didn’t expect her soul could ever come to terms with itself and thus thought it would be stuck in a mindscape hell forever.
Sylvanas has full agency is everything she did, so she is fully to blame. Zovaal for sure put her in the situation, but how she chose to react was fully on her.
I wasn’t saying she didnt make her own choices. I’m just trying to figure what the deal was between Zooval and Sylvanas and if he manipulated her into doing what she did.
“I, Sylvanas Windrunner, hereby swear that in exchange for immunity from punishment in the Maw for the many grievous crimes I committed during my unlife while seeking vengeance on my murderer, and the murderer of my people; I shall send Zovaal The Jailer the burning souls of over 1,000 slain Night elves, so that he will at last have the means to cover and keep warm his perpetually exposed and chilled nipples.”
You… you do realize what I said was an intrinsic fact and not an opinion. You… you do realize a LOT of people played and play this game because of Arthas… right? There is this game called Warcraft 3… it exists… very popular game that brought a lot of people into WoW. Yea, learn what discernment means and how to tell the difference between fact and opinion.
Sorry but if you’re going to try to tell me WoW post WOTLK has brought in more players and interest into the game than WoW from WOTLK and back then we’re just going to have to agree to disagree.
Which makes what I said more relevant to what I’m talking about. Now hurry along and post your reply thinking you’re saying something relevant also. Lets see how long it takes.
Well now you are moving your goal posts in your little petty outburst.
First you said :
I guess it depends on how high you can count. If you can not even count to one, than yes, your own opinion can be “countless people” to you, I suppose.
But you only speak for yourself.
And now you are saying before and after Wotlk? As if everyone before Wotlk counts as someone who played because of Arthas.
I played WC3, and I played WoW since Vanilla. I have never been an Arthas fan or played because of him. During WC3, I was a fan of the high/blood elves, the night elves, the alliance, the trolls (not so much the entire Horde during WC 3. Just the trolls). To me, Arthas was always a petulant brat child, and he was boring about it.
Sure, more people played the game, but to pretend your reasons are the same reasons of everyone who played during Wotlk or prior is a bit psychotic.
The number cannot be countless; we literally have the sub numbers. Somewhere between 0 and 12m is not countless.
But more to the point.
However large the number of people drawn in specifically because Arthas existed might be, it’s going to be dwarfed by the number of people who player or still play without Arthas as a reason. WoW’s playerbase is not stagnant. More people have played the game post-Wrath than before and during Wrath. We’ve seen the numbers of new accounts created back when Blizzard still released those numbers, and (a number less than 12 million) was significantly smaller than that.
Add to that the peak of 12 million isn’t because of Arthas. Some people played because of Illidan and the night elves. Some played because of Sylvanas and the forsaken (or high elves). Some played because of Malfurion and Tyrande, or Kael’thas and Vashj, or Jaina and Thrall. Arthas’s story was never the only story.
And of course, there are people who played who had no idea about the lore, or who knew the lore but cared less about it than just playing a game and fighting some kobolds. Or who just wanted to play the New Big Thing, or to play with friends, or any number of reasons.
It’s simply unrealistic to attribute an arbitrarily large number of people’s reason for playing as a single character.
Cataclysm still managed to have 9 million subscribers by the end. Did countless people continue to play the game because Deathwing was so cool and interesting and had a compelling story? After all, only 3 million people left after Arthas was looted. Mists lost 4 million. Maybe more people were done with the game when Deathwing left the narrative than when Arthas did?
You might want to look up the definition of psychotic and think before you decide to start throwing around a mental disorder on people you disagree with over a video game. You’re pathetic for even saying that. Again, you can’t make an argument that more people than not who played WOTLK for example were not huge Arthas fans. I can because some things in this world are just blatantly obvious. YOU as well as all the others who were not influenced by Arthas to play WoW in its early days are probably in the minority. You’re trying to dismiss the popularity of WoW’s most marketable and popular character. THAT is why I can say the things I said and YOU cannot make a counter argument with the same weight of support as I can. Get it? Or are you going to double down on saying I’m a “bit psychotic?”
This is why I often say people lack discernment and the ability to you know get the point without having to spell it out letter by letter. Common sense and basic reading comprehension is important when trying to understand the simple things people are saying. But just to help you out since you’re having a hard time realizing what I mean, the word “countless” in the context I used it in meant “alot” and I highly doubt you can make the argument that an expansion literally about ARTHAS did not have at least more than half its players huge fans of him.