Distance yourself respectfully

After the new cinematic it has become apparent that Danuser and company just don’t want to deal with any of the characters created by the original and early writers.
So my advice to them, just don’t.
It was stated in an early shadowlands interview, or man its been so long it could have been before Shadowlands and just after the Afterlives: Bastion cinematic release, that they didn’t want to

We [Blizzard] do not invoke his name lightly.

Well you did. You raided his tomb at the beginning of Shadowlands for his crown just to break it gleefully, and then waited until we were lulled into thinking that would be the end of his desecration just to delve back in and dredge his corpse out from 3.3 then set fire to it.

You should have never touched him after 3.3, that was a satisfying enough end to his character. I hope that with the end of the Warcraft story that you have so desperately waited for, when you start to write your own stories, that down the line no one spits on your legacy as you have those of your predecessors.

It is far more respectful to leave the icons of the past to rest, than to dress them up and dance them around like clowns like you have Elune, Sylvanas, N’zoth, and more.


They have already said everything after Shadowlands is meant to be ‘the next book’—10.x will be Daneuser’s first expansion as the sole creative voice at the top, and they have worked since BFA to tie as many legacy era loose ends as possible up.

Who knows what that’ll look like. Hopefully, with no tug of war the story will be a bit more cohesive. Or I can dream, anyways.


What is this copium?


It’s some good stuff, wonder where they get it from

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From all the whining you’d think some people confused Wrath’s plot for an Arthas redemption arc (I have no particular opinion on the cutscene, I’m just floored by all the white knighting for Arthas)


Oh, no Copium here. I have already accepted the outcome for the execution of the intended narrative and system design of 10.x is more likely to be:

But I retain the ability to also be hopeful, which is likely illegal. So shhh, don’t tell.


I shall counter with :

That little picture of the cakes face had me laughing.

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So in other words we are doomed

I wonder who they will blame when it will be awful and they can’t blame it on Afrasiabi (who hasn’t worked at Blizzard for 2 years now) anymore. Maybe they’ll just go back to blaming the players for not understanding their complex and deep story

Atleast the Night Elves won’t have to be part of it because they were completely erased from existence in BfA and SL…


Even you and your friend Micah can plainly see the discontent with this patch and the cinematic. Take off the fandom blinders and take a look around. People don’t like these crappy versions of characters taking beloved parts of stories that were liked or at least were concluded well enough and twisting them into awfulness.

People don’t like Arthas being made into a fart and monologued at by Diet Arthas when Jaina and Uther look on and say nothing. They don’t like the Helm of Domination being turned into a Cata questing green plate helmet. Take your head out of the sand.


I completely understand your sadness and frustration but they were not erased completely.

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They pretty much were though. They were killed off in BfA and sent to the maw and then their souls were obliterated in Shadowlands


Don’t jump into that rabbit hole. Etheriel has a near-religious conviction that none of the Night Elves who escaped into Stormwind and are still present in other areas of Kalimdor and Azeroth exist. They also share with others that Blizzard is specifically targeting Night Elf players for an extra helping of malice.

No one will convince them otherwise so I’d advise sparing yourself any such effort.


Some people don’t like it. Some do.

Contrary to what folks might think of me, I am a person. And since I am not the only person happy about it, I can comfortably say people do like it.

Again, people do like it. Some don’t but some do. So that cuts both ways.

I was happy at the start of SL when the Helm was snatched off Bolvar like a weave, and broken. I also liked the way the last remnant of Arthas was dealt with.

It would have been better if she did a banshee scream that dissipated that bad fart, but I guess that Banshee stuff is behind her.


You represent your own opinion and those who feel the same way.

Don’t be presumptious to think that you represent any more than that.

I’m a person too and I felt a sense of completion at Arthas’ final exit, I liked that it was different from Garoosh, but unlike Curse I also liked the fact that Sylvannas preserved what little dignity she had left by letting the moment pass in silence.


Hey, I did like how it ended up. And you are correct, it was more dignified and probably better.

Would I have liked it more if she screamed at the fart and blew it away… well, I would have liked that too. But you are right that it is probably better for the Character and the Lore that she was more composed.

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Maybe at the end she realised that the Arthas parallel worked both ways, that like her he was victim as well as monster.

I still think that Anduin is going to split open like an egg.

You are the most one note song in the history of songs.

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So basically what we need are about few dozen with different notes and we can have our own Melnibonean Choir?

But what about playing the piano, where there are no notes at all?