
Yeah and while that’s true… They selected a PVP server knowing that that is… For the horde players that’s like 75% of the game play…

Raid only exists to get gear to KILL PEOPLE WITH!.. (totally absurd announcers voice)

And I fully agree with them, this is why I and my friends who I have been playing with now for just over 2 decades also raid; because it’s great loot that’s easy to get for the use of DESTROYING YOUR ENEMIES!

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Dude, I’m sorry but Hordie rouges ganking in IF is fooling hilarious.

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Also how are you not farming the rogues in mystic ward? I love those guys giving me free honor all the time. I dont even have to leave IF to get free honor. Sometimes there is like 5 or six of them I realize but just say something in /2 about it because i know for a fact there is several Paladin that always want to farm those guys also,

30 - 40 players? That’s the imbalance people can’t fight back? I mean COME ON. Get off your AFK epic mounts and fight. That or accept the fact that you are all Normal realm players and reroll.

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but is is lmao. also im not an rpg player, ilove pvp. 20 hoard camping one ali at the spirit healer isnt pvp. i know it makes it easier for you though :slight_smile:

they won’t ever fix it. in retail they gave up, removed pvp servers, and gave warmode which you toggle in sw to do wpvp but you can turn it off at any inn. the best you’ll get at some point is free or paid transfers to a pve server. and honestly you have just as much wpvp on a normal server only you won’t get camped without your permission. it really is the best of both worlds.


I mean, horde is the minority faction on this server but ok.

i guess you dont understand how wpvp works or how to maximize honor, or how to do anything correctly.

Please just move on and play something else. The only thing wrong with Faerlina is the Alliance. They just do not like pvp and rather run than fight.

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im not farming honor because im not delusional. go get rank 14 bro lol

then why are they rolling on a pvp server and whining about pvp?

they just want to be victims and i dont care about their whining.

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Bro, go cry somewhere else.

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i agree with this. i was called out for “killing lagging players” by a 60 who watched me kill a rogue 14 levels higher than me who was trying to camp the flight path at feathermoon… (while he did nothing by the way) then rose away on his epic mount. its the thing that honestly get the most is how timid and unhelpful the alliance are. it enables everything else

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Also, anyone curious, make a alt lvl 1 near dun morgh and run to Ironforge and count how many AFKs you see just in the bank/auction house area. then look around the rest of IF. This is the issue

We literally have horde coming to us on our doorstep yet only a handful go meet up with them lol.

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I wanna help to justify your subscription money. Here it is: /console set ffxdeath “0”. Your screen is not gray anymore.

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20v1 pvp in horde brain. same thinking that makes you want to play a cow

It’s like you people think dying in pvp matters. My warlock buddy and I are chillin on the mountain side of Thorium Point, getting tons of kills but also dying A LOT…we’ve probably died a hundred times today but we’ve gotten 10k honor and we’re having fun 2vX’ing. When it gets overrun we just wait till some leave. If it gets completely unplayable in one area we just go somewhere else.

you might just have a delusional view of what the game is supposed to be. Because this is exactly what it’s supposed to be and it’s amazing.


20v1 in Ironforge. Yeah because that 1 is ALL ALONE, right? More like zero interest in wPvP so they watch that 1 die.

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PvP happened on a PvP server

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i agree 100000% hence why i cant wait to hit 60 so i can do more. i took so many rogues out of stealth with flare its stupid. I love this game, i love pvp, i just want bot things to be good and coexist.

Soon as Alliance get off their afk a** the sooner things will be better. I think the Alliance mentality is “just wait till BGs then I can do things again”. The sad thing is these people don’t realize world pvp will always be a active thing. Once BG queues get longer for Horde they are still going to continue to wpvp and will continue to do so for fun even after they get their desired rank.