Dispel Adjustment

Thinking “you belong on PVE” isnt a personal attack is clearly delusional. Either way it doesnt matter, i wont bother replying to you anymore as you are not being productive to this forum thread. You should probably do the same.

Is that a personal attack?

It isn’t. Unless you’re an elitist who looks down on PVE server players. In which case, shame on you for judging people that go to a server to play the game how they want to play it. There’s nothing wrong with PVE servers. The only difference between a PVE server and PVP server is open world pvp.

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If you don’t want to have people dispel your buffs in world pvp then play on a pve server. Asking blizz to break mods because someone dispelled your songflower rofl. News flash its pvp its intended. If you want to complain about weak auras being unfair and unintended that’s fine but you knew no one would care if you didn’t make it about buffs.

Eh, the only real problem I see with the whole dispelling buffs meta are the priests/shamans dead in the org/sw inn/portal area.

Getting dispelled or killed at the island, dire maul, or felwood is something you can prevent/work harder at.

Getting purged the one second you’re on a loading screen after porting is really … idk? Unfortunate?

I don’t really think that’s pvp personally, I know a few people will come in here and say ‘but I used an ability on another player, that’s player vs player!!’, just kind of a grey area imo.

Just remove world buffs already. Problem solved!

I remove them all the time by opening shadowlands and I pay them on the same sub let classic stay classic. #nochanges

I started classic a few months back. First time entering org, im greeted with a bunch of people sitting around whining that some world buff is 2 minutes late. Absolutely NOBODY on my server talks in /say. About the only chat is trade spam, or booster spam. World infested with bots, flying or underground, and no live GM response when reported. This is most definitely not what I experienced in vanilla.

The #nochanges ship has already sailed bud. Time to start thinking about how we preserve any sort of remaining health of the game that remains.

If you think anything about your experience would change by removing buffs you are naïve. Everything you just listed is a player issue and buffs or not no one is greeting you in org they don’t care about you and no matter how you shift the meta all they will ever care about is their parse numbers and the most efficient way to get them higher. So unless they can somehow use you to achieve that end they will never care and there is nothing blizz can do to change it. All support is now automated get with the times and take off the nostalgia glasses its 2020 bud.

Saying that its all player issues is sort of like blaming your dog for eating too many table scraps no?

The point I’m trying to make, is that the classic experience is already vastly different than the vanilla experience. Some of it due to player knowledge etc of course. I’m not denying that.

However, given that the experience is already vastly different, why cling stubbornly to the #nochanges? What purpose does it serve now?

Better solution would be to make zoning into a pvp or pve instance wipes all world buffs.

PVE server

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What purpose does removing buffs serve? it wont fix any of those issue. Also im not blaming anyone I’m fine with things the way they are I like the salty no life min max playerbase. You have missed the point of my post changing buffs wont do anything for any of the issues you posted about so its poitnless. #nochnages matters because if you remove buffs no one can parse aginst buffs anymore and tons of people would just quit playing. Ill take salty try hard buff meta over dead game meta.

schizo post

You realize WCL separates world buff and non world buff parses, right?

Your concern is unfounded.

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You realize players don’t care and will quit anyway right?

Your response is irrelevant.

Parsing isn’t a Blizzard thing. WarCraftlogs would just change their site to show only post patch parses. So yes, you could still be sweaty parser to your hearts content in the new category.


You misunderstand my entire point. I’m not saying they can no longer compete or that logs cant hide old parses. I’m saying if you remove them people will quit. Doesnt matter why it could be from longer clear times lower dps numbers whatever take away 60% of players damage and change the meta they built their toon around and people gonna quit in mass and just camp shadowland until tbc.

Probably because you buried the point under this “we can all agree” stuff.

If you didn’t want to deal with responses to the premise that no one should be dispelling world buffs on a PvP realm, it would have been simple to leave that premise out and make your post all about “hey, this addon detects something it shouldn’t be able to!” But you didn’t.

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Ad hominem post.