Dispel Adjustment

Exactly. The sweaty min maxers wouldn’t quit. Well, maybe some. But for the most part, I predict there would be a new race to see who can be top dog without world buffs.

Unless its too hard to kill these classic bosses with no raid buffs. LOL.

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Which api call does it use? UnitAura doesnt return enemy auras either.

I’d wager it does right now. I went through the code of the addon that is currently showing enemy buffs for me and it only uses unitbuff and unitaura. Unitbuff is just unitaura with a helpful filter anyway, so it’s possible I misspoke and it is also returning enemy buffs, but my money is on unitaura, since it can do both harmful and helpful, and harmful is allowed on enemy targets by default. There’s probably an oversight where they forgot to make sure the helpful ones only get shown on enemies if detect magic is up, since this is largely the modern API, where that stuff is allowed. I’m betting they just missed it when they were porting modern api to handle classic. Wouldn’t be the first such example where we’ve had the modern workings of it instead of vanilla.

Test realms are up which means Blizz is still working to improve the game. That’s good news.

They still need to fix being able to view enemy buffs (unless enemy buffs were cast in front of you and viewable in the combat log). It was never in vanilla so it should rightfully be fixed in classic. Enemies should not know what buffs I have unless they are cast in their vicinity.

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You guys have GOT to understand that PVP realms were never meant for parsing the same as PVE realms. I cannot fathom how so many people want to turn PVP realms into the thing they claim to hate, when they can spend $25 to transfer and NEVER have to worry about it again. There’s no sense hanging onto the “danger” of PVP realms because you do everything to bypass it anyway.

People who stack WBs to raid log avoid PVP entirely, roll on 99%-dominated realms, or get summoned directly to their raid. Please, please help me understand how you don’t see the irony or lunacy in complaining about WB dispellers, when a few clicks permanently removes all the things you’re spending hours avoiding anyway?


Bumping. Not vanilla-like and enables minimal effort griefing

There is a very simple solution here: protect your buffs better. Don’t run around Felwood alone with full DMT buffs. Don’t zone into Orgrimmar alone after taking a mage port. Don’t idle in high traffic contested areas for too long.

That’s seriously annoying because it’s completely negates the point of detect magic.

It’s the add-ons that allow you to read the combat log that show anyone their buffs. Game design is to not show buffs from opposite factions unless mage uses Detect Magic. Alot of major UI add-ons have this feature built in

So priests will sit there and wait to resurrect when someone comes in range with dispelable buffs. All day yesterday priests in orgrimmar Inn didn’t resurrect until someone logged in to get Dragon Slayer buffs etc.

Only for the priest to die, corpse run, rinse and repeat

And they routinely complain about world boof dispellers despite PvE servers being available to them.

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Still need a fix on this unvanillalike buff behavior.