Dispel Adjustment

We can all agree that the dispel and world buff meta is extremely toxic, however Blizzard will not do anything as dispel is a class ability and it would be crossing into dangerous territory to do make this a bannable offence.

However the reason why most of the dispels are possible is because the dispellers are using a weak aura to bypass game coding to be able to see other faction buffs. In original vanilla wow, it was impossible to see hostile buffs without a mage’s detect magic cast on it.

Therfore the easy solution to make the majority of the playerbase happy without needing to ban people for using a class ability is to break the weak aura which allows users to see hostile buffs without detect magic.

Win for everyone (except the griefers)

+1 if you agree, lets make this happen as Naxx is here.


they could make SF, DMT etc non-magical and the dispel meta would vanish.


I agree, however people been barking up that tree for months now to no avail. This request however is at the expense of a weak aura which bypasses normal game functionality.

People roll into PvP servers and complain about PvP actions happening.

There are few good PvE servers, if you are concerned about having your world buffs without getting dispelled, please move there.


Addons which allow people to see opposing factions buffs should not be a thing. like OP said, the only way to see enemy buffs in vanilla was to use detect magic.



No we can’t.

It’s actually specifically using game coding to get aura information. Not bypassing. Why that information is available in the API is another question entirely. Probably shouldn’t be. But while it is, nothing is being bypassed.


Dispellers are doing God’s Work :heart::pray::+1::muscle::pray::+1::pray::muscle::+1::heart::heart::heart::pray::pray::muscle::heart::muscle::+1::+1::heart::raised_hands::muscle::muscle::pray::muscle::heart::+1::heart::pray::+1::heart::raised_hands::raised_hands:


Technically enemy buff info isn’t available through the API, addons/weakauras just read the combat log for nearby enemy units looking for buffs (enemy buffs get a combat log entry when the enemy casts them or when they enter the zone/log in). The UnitBuff api call doesn’t work for enemy units, it returns nothing unless detect magic is up. Blizzard would have to prevent enemy buffs from appearing in the combat log to stop the information being available.

No. Toxic is a sorely abused term. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean it is “toxic.”


Its not using unit buff. Its using an aura call, which is also present in the combat log, but the api call allows to skip parsing the combat log for that info and calls it directly. Which is why its visible even when the buffing was done way outside of combat log range and wouldn’t be visible to someone using pure combat log parsing.

Don’t play on a PvP server if you don’t want the 24/7 side-effects of PvP play. World buffs are a crutch anyway.


It doesn’t seem youre understanding the point. I am not calling for dispellers to get banned, or wbuffs to be undispellable. I am calling for buffs to be completely invisible to the opposing faction unless detect magic is on. This is how the game was intended.

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Dispelling buffs is legit pvp in my opinion. Weakening your enemies so they cannot raid or pvp as effectively is a valid tactic.

BUT Blizzard needs to make enemy buffs hidden to be true to how it was in Vanilla. Something is coded incorrectly if addons can somehow get this information without a mage having to use detect magic.


Wouldn’t change anything. They’d still just spam dispel every warrior and rogue they see. Prioritizing those with thunderfury of course.

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World Buffs are not needed to down any raid or any boss in this game. Parsing is a bonus and not an entitlement to anyone, especially those that KNOWINGLY rolled onto PvP servers.

If you can’t laugh off the sheer lengths people will go to hunt, chase, or troll people in a game they both love, one BASED on “war,” then you need a Snickers. Reroll, raid log harder, or just do the obvious thing and ENJOY the game either way.

You don’t need a ‘hack’ to know that the majority of players headed into Tier 2+ forty mans will be world buffed up the a**. Just dispel/purge everyone.

just dont get ur buffs dispelled

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Let me give 3 scenarios of how it would be if enemy buffs can only be seen with detect magic instead of through addons -

Scenario 1. Mr X is fully world buffed and forgot his ony cloak in the bank before bwl. He runs to SW bank to get it. In this scenario if buffs were invisible without detect magic he will most certainly be fine as he is hiding in plain sight. This scenario as well as all main city dispellers would almost be completely wiped out.

Scenario 2. 10 people are standing around a songflower about to get their buff. Out of those 10 people, 6 have DMT buffs. A nearby dispeller rezzes up and now only has a 60% chance of dispelling someone with DMT buffs.

Scenario 3. A 40 man raid team is running into Naxx from a random mushroom. Out of those 40 people, 20 are fully world buffed, 15 people are fully non dispellable world buffs, and 5 dont have any buffs. A Shadowmelding priest at the Naxx entrance now only has a 50% chance to dispel someone with songflower/DMT buffs.

I think you are dramatically underestimating the lengths people will go to to dispel. It will still happen. Blizzard could completely disable the api functions used to call auras as well as disabling combat log parsing api and dispellers will just do it blind and still get people. Then you’ll be back here complaining again. Nothing will be fixed.

I do support changing the API to be more restrictive with the information players are allowed to pull from it, it will make pvp better to do so. Im just making sure you understand that it’s not going to do anything to stop world buff dispelling.