Disney Blizzard... Let's be thankful these 2 words are not together

Have you ever done the Exile’s Reach starting area zone? The Acolyte is 90% based on this little adventure. Strong female character #1, #2, #3 and #4. with a weak beta man poc.

Blizzard is Disney.
Finkle is Einhorn.

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Not anymore he ain’t, pal. :rofl:


:scissors: :laughing: TRUTH!

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Just saw that clip a few minutes ago. Thought it was a joke. On a positive note I can save time by ignoring this train wreck.

Can’t help but wonder why disney bought the franchise if their goal was to drive it i to a wall.


Im genuinely curious, what is so bad about that? Don’t get me wrong, the show in its entirety looks like a dumpster fire. I just don’t understand why that chant made people particularly angry.

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I can’t, because Disney was never something I’d want associated with games that require you to kill massive numbers of creatures.

Even before they got taken over by activists. Imagine tomorrow old disney takes over and introduces a story about a sad kobold with those big disney eyes who witnesses the utter annihilation of his tribe, or colony or whatever kobolds have, at the hands of a group of players who compete over who gets to murder these creatures for a few copper coins and a pare of (probably) second hand pants.

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It’s probably got more to do with them pulling a whole new faction of force witches out of thin air instead of using a splinter group of night sisters.

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Not so much angry, more embarrassed. It is piss-poor writing at best.

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No one is “upset”
No one is “angry”
People are laughing on their way out of supporting this franchise. RIP.

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Nope. I thought it was stupid to not just make them nightsisters but it was stupid, not infuriating. That’s not a good enough answer. Anyone else?

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But WHY? The WHOLE show is terrible but why does that one scene get highlighted so much?

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Did you not see the second movie in the latest trilogy? Or the third, whose only saving grace is that it wasn’t as bad as the previous one.

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Ignore him. He’s a useless contrarian troll.


Still not worse than midichlorians.

I will die on this hill.

If anything, Disney and continuing the Lucas legacy of destroying star wars.


That I don’t know. It is the only bit of the show I have seen and is enough for me to go and watch anything else.

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Idk, people have been complaining all expansion about how “Disney” it is.


It had it’s moments, yeah. But I actually liked them. Except the ones with the blue dragon guy. I don’t like him.

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Disney has been starting to smell south of cheese. That new Star Wars show is horrible.

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What was so wrong with it, I mean, it wasn’t the greatest movie ever, but it was fine enough as a sw movie. Following the example of the first in that series in being a bit of a rehash of Empire like it was a rehash of ANH.

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The first movie wasn’t bad since it was essentially a remake of a New Hope.

The second movie made no sense. It did have a funny bit in the beginning between the pilot and the star destroyer captain, but past that was nothing but filler. Top secret master plan is to fill up smaller ships with gas and run away. Why was that a secret? Other than create false drama between the pilot (whose name I can’t remember) and Admiral Purple Hair (whose name I forget as well).

Then there was the adventure to Las Vegas Planet to get a code breaker who turned out to be a double agent or a traitor or some such nonsesne. All of which would have been completely unnecessary if admiral purple hair had filled people in on the “plan”.

Then there was crotchety Luke. I got nothing beyond that on him.

Finally the final showdown, Luke astral projects across the universe to fight the Darth Vader wannabe and somehow dies.

Oh almost forgot Leia’s mary popins routine after her ship is destroyed.

The third movie would have been ok, except for “somehow palpatine survived”.

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