Disney Blizzard... Let's be thankful these 2 words are not together

Disney Blizzard . Oh Snap , I get to created a Mickey Mouse character playing as a Death Knight . Donald Duck as MM hunter . Using Pluto as it pet .

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nooo i missed the trainwreck.

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If you hate the writing so much, why do you play this game? Are there other games that have better writing? If so, why not play those?

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I get the feeling that anyone who likes some bit of Star Wars in the first place, has “their generational favorite” and all other series within the lore are crap. I hated the prequels and when I found out that the directors for the sequels didn’t have a cohesive 3-film arc from the onset (it wasn’t just the actors that didn’t know what was coming), I lost all faith.

I am enjoying The Acolyte (and all the other D+ short series), but frankly the high republic 5-book series starting with Light of the Jedi has been better than anything “new” (books, films, or streaming series) since the original film trilogy (which although terribly dated is still my favorite). I do find that SW fans seems to be quite toxic (perhaps it’s just a small minority but they’re so vocally hateful it’s just confounding to me how they “care so much” about a fictional world).

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I saw a TikTok just last night of a member of the Star Wars fandom coming out and saying the hateful, toxic, vocal minority of the Star Wars fandom is anything but the minority now. Ever video I see about Star Wars is about how awful the fans are and how people who have been Star Wars fans their entire life just don’t speak up about it any more because they’re sick and tired of hearing from the toxic jerks.

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i liked the first 7. went into 8 thinking…it cant be that bad…saw 8 and was like…

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I love the anti woke crowd always attacking disney. Disney will never cave to conservative or even those who are far right and that hate diversity and inclusion.

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If diversity comes with a decrease in quality directly tied to diversity, I think it’s ok to be against it. Doesn’t really happen in gaming media, though, but it does feel forced many times, like they’re going through a list and putting check marks.


Well in that Timeline Disney would have to be a different company so can be imagined in a variety of ways not all dystopian :dracthyr_shrug:

Oh of course this is made by a Star Wars fan didn’t you lot decide the franchise was ruined long before Disney bought it by the prequels?

I cancelled it months ago after the price increase but if it wasn’t for the fact I can’t afford it atm would renew it just to spite people like you criticising Disney for all the wrong reasons.

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You have a pattern on these forums of going after people personally and to be honest it is disgusting. On a thread weeks ago you also poked fun about my reading comprehension even though I gave you evidence of why I posted what I posted.

For the life of me don’t understand why people like yourself are allowed to call people “dumb” which is what you are doing.


To be honest I did love Kingdom Hearts, wasn’t a bad game.


The thread where you made up what I was saying and when asked to show me saying that you quoted another message you said?

Yea pretty validated on questioning reading skills


Didn’t make it up no need to. But I am simply pointing out that you are an extremely confrontational and down right mean person. BTW, you speak about racism but fail to understand that I came from Mexico not speaking English and then continue to call me and others illiterate, like who is the racist here?


I blame the Sith.

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But you did make it up, you claimed I said something I never said, and then failed to prove it

Thats making it up

And sorry for commenting on stupid comments people make, you can ignore me if it offends you

Plus this part is also stupid, pretty wild to assume people know where you from or will assume your ethnicity based on… wow posts?




Just because a vocal group forms in the internet, that does not make them the majority. Take WoW for example. We have a few hundred toxic people out of a few thousand who use forums but they don’t speak for the millions who play the game.

Same with Star Wars fans. Even if there are a couple thousand people on the internet who are toxic that is nothing compared to the millions who watch the films.

No I didn’t and it is funny how you question my reading comprehension yet lack it yourself.

I mentioned it to you on another thread on why my English is not that great, yet you decided to continue to insult me.


Probably said tongue-in-cheek, but I get the feeling there’s a lot of Darth Vader fanatics out there that would just as soon kill anyone that annoys them, because they’re unhinged from society and their anti-hero does whatever he wants with powah! :open_mouth:

I mean it is true, how is a person going to call someone that yet post what they post?

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