Disney Blizzard... Let's be thankful these 2 words are not together

People had absolutely no issues with Mace Windu being black. But, for some reason people like to pretend that when people complain about modern Star Wars, if it has a person of color that that’s the thing they hate about it… when, that isn’t even remotely fair or accurate.

Again, the writing is almost universally terrible and cliched. You can only cash in on your fan-bases good will for so long, you can only get a pass for shoddy products for so long… race has nothing to do with this.


I get what you are saying, and I dont necessarily disagree.

I think we are on different pages of a similar book?

I think we look at the statement “we added a minority” in different ways (not necessarily wrong). And its creating friction in the conversation.

I think going the extra steps is a vital part, but still under the “we added a minority” umbrella. I am not sure anyone is arguing minority characters should just be thrown in with no story as to why. When people talk about representation being added, I dont think its ever suggested it should just be added with no reasoning or back story.

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What are you on about? Wow has always had multiple races. Are you upset because they add more playable races?


Apologies, but i am unsure who that is, Is that a character in WoW or Star wars or something else? i have trouble remembering names of characters in movies and shows >.<

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A Jedi from the prequel movies from like 20+ years ago.

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If you had been reading, you would been on the same page as the rest of the class. I am not the one upset.

Oh, i never watched Star wars XD

I like non jedi/force star wars stories more than the ones that include it.

Probably why I liked the Solo movie.

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Acolyte is absolute garbage level writing. But, so was Shadowlands. And most of Dragonflight. It has nothing to do with Disney or Blizzard but rather the creatively bankrupt writers that are employed and the idiotic financiers that continue to fund them. It’s that simple.


Probably because they can make the stories more interesting. If everything can be explained or solved through “space magic,” it kind of limits your storytelling potential lol.


Actually based. Jedi are insanely bland. Sith are slightly more interesting, but they usually drag the Jedi along with them.


yea, this. it’s definitely not any different. maybe a little less pushy for now, but not any different.

It really does.

TBH I got bored with mandalorian the moment the baby yoda appeared.

I read the heck out of the EU books. The X-Wing series. I loved Wraith Squadron.

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Coming out of the theater minutes later, somebody in the group I was in asked “what was your favorite part?”

Everyone was just… “you’re kidding, right?”



I heard originally they weren’t even going to put that in but decided to at the last minute.


It’s the streaming service of the rebranded Collegehumor which focuses on improvised- comedy.

My favourite show from them are Umm Actually, Dirty Laundry, Makes Some Noise, Smartypants and Dimension 30.


Darth Vader is just sci-fi space Lich King.

ducks for cover


As an intersex person, i advise you to look up who and how we are. Your ignorance is showing.


They’d turn it into an electric scooter :rofl:

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