Disney Blizzard... Let's be thankful these 2 words are not together

There isn’t anything wrong with that. You just made the mistake of arguing in good faith with bad actors who have been raised by establishment television from birth to believe that you as an individual, as well as your race, culture, and nation deserve to be scoured from the Earth for things every single other race, culture, and nation also did and are still doing today, right now.

China is now the North Star of all Western media and they have actual concentration camps in operation as we speak. But since they’re part of The Party they get a pass.


Ironically, one of the only ways to reverse racism…is well. “racism”.

Speaking of arguing in good faith. No one says that lol.


If you have to be racist to reverse racism then you arent changing anything.


That sounds right until you put it to practical use.

“all the characters are white, we need to diversify and not be racist”

–“well thats racist to add in a non white character just because its not white”

“ok. so we keep the characters all white?”

You cant fix the issue otherwise.


Absolutely. Absolutely. :+1::+1:

Or you could be Ubisoft, put a black guy in your game as one of the main characters, and then proceed to play hip hop music when he is on screen…during Feudal Japan lol.


Pretty easy concept actually.

You make a new story that is diverse from the outset. You don’t actually need to “fix” the existing ones by hamfisting diversity into them.

I know that creativity is hard and all so people prefer to destroy the great works of others but I’m hoping we’ll have a bit of a rebound on that front in the near future.


You just have to find other reasons then just the race it’s self. or since it is a game “Make them up”


I did unsub from Disney+. I have Dropout and YouTube Premium which are enough for me, honestly. I’m contemplating subbing to 2nd Try, too.


Huh? never heard of that one.



Thats the same thing with extra steps. Is my point.

You arent creating the “new story” or “new wow culture” without the intent of creating non white characters. You are doing the same thing, just with extra steps.

That is just the proper way to do it.

So if anything, it sounds like you are for adding in non white characters. You just want them to have better back story. Which I get. But it all starts with the same premise “adding in diversity and race”. Which was deemed racist.



Comedy sketch tv. I enjoy their shows a lot. A lot of improv comedy. Variety in shows

Um Actually is amazing to get your nerd knowledge going.

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Ummm there were a number of forum members years back who actually wanted disney to buy ABK…

A Force Awakens is passable. The two that follow that is really bad. Rogue Squadron is just flat out boring and none of the characters is likable.

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Well, Kathleen Kennedy and Bob Iger probably killed Star Wars when they greenlit bad script after bad script, then hired on mediocre to bad directors and THEN tried to do a million spinoffs, capitalizing on the brand instead of focusing on better products overall, while simultaneously over saturating the market.

Fans nor DEI were ever an issue in Star Wars, and they were never going to ruin or save the franchise. Better movies and spinoffs would have saved it. The most popular modern movies and spinoffs don’t star white people, but they do have substantially better writing and tone and pacing… again, race isn’t the issue and fans aren’t the issue, quality is.

Just my thoughts.

:face_in_clouds: :popcorn:


Or you could just not do that and think about other things

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See i think that is the difference " Boom, we added a black Main character" Or , Oh hey this character we just added fits the lore, has worked hard to get where he/she is and has earned their right to this position. then you list the achievements. I think it is more about Who they are then what race they are. Going the EXTRA steps shows you aren’t doing for the race, you are adding them and giving them meaning.


If you’re going to troll about The Acolyte, why did you come to the World of Warcraft forums to do so?

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Rogue One? Rogue One was amazing and still has one of the most epic scenes in all of Star Wars lol:


the Dark side is better, it don’t have rules AND you get to wear Capes.

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God it’s amazing how bad Ubisoft is at well
