Disney Blizzard... Let's be thankful these 2 words are not together

Well at least you knew who I was talking about


That was some good hate bait OP.

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I think i would solve it by slowly adding it, instead of rushing to add it to look like i am actually listening. But that is how i would do it, i would just make sure the options got balanced out after a while. But i also wouldn’t want to deal with the “Oh, you guys are really lacking in diversity” simply because i would not know how to reply. It is a Hell of a touchy subject and requires a LOT of thinking to have a good answer that does not seem like you are just trying to appease them. Just to make them think otherwise. I GUESS i would have to say, We will try to balance out the options and make it more diverse going foward and we have a lot of work ahead of us.

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Easy to read an angry boomer orc.

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But havent we been slowly adding it?

It didnt just appear suddenly in Dragonflight, for example. The diversity cited has been an ongoing change for a few expansions.

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Sick, I’ve upgrades to boomer cuz I’m tired of people saying it’s racist to add people who aren’t white dudes


Selecting characters by their race is literally racism.


Incredible the amount of people who say racism doesn’t work both ways.
Racism is racism, you either think it’s bad or you support it.


The problem as i have said many times is “Humans” Humans are TERRIBLE. You give ONE side representation another complains, You give one Race it the other complains, People will ALWAYS be hateful spiteful insufferable beings, and sadly that won’t change but the best a company can do is try to make their product ( game or other wise ) as diverse as possible.

Who said Boomer is for Whites? It is just the Older generation XD Between 1946 and 1964 (yeah, i looked up the Exact time frame )

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Heck yeah man, that’s the literacy level you’re known for


I dont necessarily disagree there. Was only commenting on the perceived suddenness of the changes.

If we use the baseline of “straight white male”, then WoW has definitely been slowly adding in diversity. Starting back in at least WoD when there became a shift in more female lead characters. Shadowlands had the transgender Pelagos, etc.

Let’s not talk about “Literacy”


Touchy subject for you?

I didn’t mean you hit a sore spot


I was referring to your lack of it as well.


My sore spot is my big toe on my right foot atm.

Dropped a huge frame on it. A good 40 pounds. All on that singular toe.

My toe and toe nail looks like a piece of abstract art if you were to zoom in enough.


I mean we got people saying it’s racist to add people to the game cuz of their race, when the game was originally predominantly just white

So I’m pretty spot on with mine


Fans killed Star Wars


Oh jeez, that sounds horrible

Worst I dropped on my foot was a knife, landed tip down exactly and went right through the nail

Id take that again over smashed toe tho

I wish I didnt agree. But the star wars fandom is more toxic than people pretend m+ is.


Adding a race JUST because of its race is racist, you should not need to do that, it should have already been there to begin with, there should not have been such a gross lack of equality.