Disney Blizzard... Let's be thankful these 2 words are not together

I get it. And I am not trying to say Acolyte is good. Only that I can ignore the Acolyte show and move on.

Midichlorians will continue to be everywhere.

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Quit WoW? No one truly quits. I’m not hating. I’m just stating what’s happening and there should be nothing wrong with that.


adding a race just because they are that race, is actually racist. It’s like a white and a black apply for the same job, the work force hires the White because the work force already has more blacks than whites. Sub “Black” For African American, or Whatever the appropriate word is these days, it changes a lot so i have trouble keeping up, and i mean no racism by it.


Oh it was them crying about the stuff we heard about 2 years ago

So which YouTube who screams about pronouns got everyone to get angry about this again?


I didnt say there was anything wrong.

I just asked why you felt a program attempting to minimize tokenism and stereotypes was racist.

But that isnt what is happening with that tool


…how? How is it racist to include everyone? Sometimes people like to make their characters look like an idealization or approximation of themselves. It’s racist to give non-white European looking people that avenue? How?

It incredibly isn’t. They’re not taking away ‘white’ customization options to make room for more diverse customizations. It isn’t x or y, it’s x AND y.


This thread is garbage. People arguing over nothing.

Literally who cares about any of this?


So you are saying it is not Racist to select someone purely because they are that race? I never said including everyone was racist i said, “Selecting” someone just on their race alone is in fact racist.


Where did i say anything about taking away anything?

What does that have to do with the tool you linked?

Okay, now tell me what that has to do with adding options for more diversity? Did Khadgar lose his job so they could add new hairstyles tl the game?

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Right here:

The implication in this statement is that for one person to benefit, another needs to lose.


Bruh Khadgar dies, who cares about khadgar? They SHOULD add more diversety, but don’t do it JUST because it is for the race, It needs to be added for the sake of adding options NOT for the sake of diversity. Adding something for the sake of “Oh look, we are adding more options to make the game more deverse” just seems to be racist “In my opinion” It’s like they are trying to appease people because they are upset they feel they aren’t protrayed enough in a freaking game. But are going about it wrong. they should have just added an EQUAL amount of options from the start 1:1 Ratio, instead now they need to add a lot of “Oh crap, we are looking racist as hell with lack of diversity”


It is racist and short sighted.


The first series out, Star Wars 4, 5 and 6 was great.
The second series out, Star Wars 1, 2, and 3 was dreadful.
The 3rd series, the Disney series, is much better, especially when the old actors are around.


I mean. Yeah.

Ideally it would have been best to have added all this 20 years ago. But they didn’t.


I am TERRIBLE at wording stuff, but to me, It seems like blizzard is ONLY doing it now that they are called out on it, and that seems like “Oh look, we arent racist, here is just as much stuff so the game is Diverse” Adding for the sake of adding to make it diverse, just seems racist to me.


See the worst thing about the Internet is I’m gunna be forced to see a 14 year olds opinion on stuff they clearly don’t understand at all


Then don’t go on the internet?


So whats the alternative?

Genuinely asking.

Should they have done it sooner? Definitely. But after being called out on it, what should they do?

Because it seems like the options are either keep at the status quo. Where some stat came out a few years ago where there is like a 85% chance the protagonist is a white male. Which seems, ya know. A bit racist. Or to change things up. Which apparently is also racist.