Disdain for solo oriented / activities / play on the forums

Stats weights are also just outdated now we have the ability to outsource sims to the cloud instead of run them on our personal machines. Raidbots heavily dissuades the stat weights function and has all be removed it from the site.

Yeah tbf, last time I even tried to use Pawn was Legion.

Maybe “impossible” is an overstatement, but even without a disability of some sort, some things that are incredibly easy and simple for one person, are incredibly difficult and complicated for another.

From my own personal experience, I can’t do algebra for the life of me. I took it 3 times back in high school (sophmore year, summer school, and junior year) and failed it 3 times. It wasn’t for lack of trying, but rather my brain just doesn’t “get it”. All the studying and practice just wouldn’t stick in my head. In senior year, I had to take a remedial math course to have the credits needed to graduate.

And the funny thing? While algebra makes me go cross-eyed… geometry is a breeze for me! Everyone is different, and as I said before one person’s “easy” is another person’s “impossible”. Lot’s of people find algebra to be easy, but I find it to be impossible (for me to wrap my head around).

“Jerky” also being subjective throws a wrench in here.

On the upside, there’s more avenues than ever to find people you don’t think are jerky to play with, it might just take more than joining LFD.

Maybe you had a bad teacher and it didn’t click with you. Math doesn’t lie.

I was more arrogant in my youth and stopped doing homework and trying at school bc I had the audacity to say to myself why do I even need to be here? O.o

I remember a 3rd grade teacher working on algebra with me at a private school my parents sent me to and I got it bc she explained it well and I had the memory then to learn the basics and build upon it. She said “see, you got it!” And I was like yeah, yeah but its boring in my mind.

Then I had the option to be homeschooled and I did some not so kosher stuff so I could be on the computer longer playing perves way older than me and playing sims and other games.

Anyway, I bet you can do it, you need it to be explained better if not. Math isn’t fun to me, it’s ez to some or it’s not.

Top individual marker parses usually occur after fights have been heavily nerfed so I consider them irrelevant, just as I consider progression raiding after nerfs to be irrelevant in comparison to people who did them pre nerf. They’re completely different players, if top guilds cared about stacking rosters for mid season leader boards then they would, but they typically don’t care because its not the area of performance they prioritize their ego around.

Being a 99 percentile player implies you do everything at the top 1% level, once fights are more forgiving worse players can just tunnel damage, make 10% more mistakes than rwf and suddenly they can believe they’re top 1% because a damage meter told them they do one aspect of raiding at the top 1%.

Secondaries are all multiplicative with one another so if as an expansion progresses tier sets have greater breadth, jewelry skews more towards an even distribution (greater multiplicative value) then power creep still exists except its no longer reliant on inflated values instead on their relationship with the other stats you have.
If you go from
25% vers 15% haste 20% crit X mastery
5% vers 15% haste 35% crit X+ mastery
you’re probably only going up at most 10% over the course of an expansion, add in trinkets, special weapons, tier set bonuses and you maybe have a 33% difference between 3 tiers of gearing. Which is fine imo, I don’t see why it has to be 300%. As long as the initial pool of stats is high enough and they limit it with vers and possibly mastery in the earlier tiers they still have room for character to feel like they’re improving.

Fight design then has to be finer, they risk making progression uninteresting, but again its not like people care if they’re doing content post nerf. They can easily create mythic fights that require 99 percentile healing and damage avoidance and then nerf it so instead worse guilds can just run vers builds, sacrificing damage through stats and still land the kill.

I had 3 different teachers though, and a tutor, and parental guidance. I did my homework for the class as best I could. I wanted to pass… I just couldn’t. I made every effort I could and it wasn’t enough.

Math may not lie, but that doesn’t mean everyone get’s every kind of math. Geometry is a snap for me to figure out, but algebra… just doesn’t compute for me. In any case I’m just shy of half a century old now :stuck_out_tongue: I am well past my learning days.

I do not understand wanting to be at the top constantly. It is exhausting and not peaceful, imo. There is always someone better in every way, and trying to do your personal best has always been exhausting to me.

Maybe I have it wrong but, I can only think of wanting to be at the top so other peons go, “oMg you’re at the top!” Which is far and few between to receive those compliments.

I have asked other ppl way more competitive vs me and they have said, almost unanimously, that it’s wanting “atta-bois” from others. While we all need that, some do more than other’s. Idk It’s exhausting checking logs and being good all the time. Free yourself from wanting other’s compliments or set yourself up for failure. Unless I am way off the mark and there are ppl who want to always have their a game for themselves and only themselves despite what others think.

Can you explain why you might care?

I bet you can if you start off with the basic building blocks of math and start from there.

I am too old to care about a lot but still do in ways.

Man I must be the penultimate gamer, to you. I beat Dracula in V Rising on Brutal before his nerfs.

Sorry, sarcasm is how I avoid being rude.

Even RWF raiders aren’t infallible. They’re making less mistakes per mechanic than most of the playerbase, but they’re not often playing a class to its fullest. Instead, RWF leverages current tuning and a generally high level of play. High parses are rarely held for any significant time by RWF players.


So unless you’re just talking about the 99th percentile as a point of who’s RWF which seems redundant when you could just say RWF players, I’m confused.

If you’re just looking at one class at a time, this makes sense, but class design isn’t so static in WoW. While diminishing returns do press for a more even spread later on into progression, certain classes benefit more or less from dipping into the diminished returns, or their diminishing returns start later per the raw stat. This is really only relevant on Mastery, but that ‘only’ is a big one. See; Shadow Priest.


One of the worst offenders that is more indicative of the problem you’re perceiving is Ret Paladin, conversely. These specs all scale differently into an expansion as a result of stat to % disparity, though.

As for the nerfed raid thing… I think you’re placing way too much weight on that, man. I really don’t think it’s fair to yourself to cheapen your own accomplishment over a nerf you had no contribution toward.

Algebra isn’t something relevant to my life at this point and I have no desire to struggle with it again. I’m an old man now and I’m at the stage of life where my priority is to keep things simple, find joy where I can, and hope that, if the world is going to go to hell in a handbasket, it waits until after I’m gone to do so. :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s funny, I rarely have to use algebra in my day to day life. Maybe if you have a profession that does it would be relevant, right? xD :blue_heart:

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Maybe! But I’ve always been more of an artist than a mathematician he he. Maybe that has something to do with algebra being difficult for me but geometry being easy.

I bet you could still understand algebra once you get the basics.


I’m not opposed to solo play. I play solo myself BUT I also do group content.

If anything, the game tilts heavily to players who want to mostly ignore other players.

There is very little need for real social interaction and in many places cooperation, to play the game.

My question to players not interested in the social dymanics of playing the game with other players is why not just play a single player game? There are tons of them out there.

Because everyone who has done it knows what goes into it, and it gives the people something to aspire to when they quit participating. Its like playing any sport at any level of competition and then watching that sport at a professional level. There’s a lot of grunts who play it then get out and never touch it again, there’s some who do and then they go on to coach, design and help their former crew.

In video games not only do you have coaches, players and theorycrafters, but you have designers. Sports don’t change their rules every season, or at least rarely they do. Video games change the rules every 6 months, which is cool, thats where the progression stems from, the problem imo is the fundamental rules are ill defined, they don’t even exist. That’s apart of the game but I think it damages the top end of the community by not having some sort of consistency. Burn out is real at the top because there’s a lot of wasted effort.

Personally I think the answer is accessibility, I disagree with how much time investment is required to just be competitive, and every tier it resets and you’re stuck having to no life for 72 hrs doing splits etc. just to start the “actual” competition.

Some people say the no life gear catch up is apart of the competition, but to me thats the problem and thats why the game mode will never actually flourish, because every tier you’re just watching people kill themselves jumping through unnecessary hoops.

On the flipside, looking at B tier guilds who maybe clear mythic a couple months after rwf, they’re still committing hundreds if not thousands of hours towards the game, imo the game should be more humbling with how they let them down, instead blizzard disservices them by convincing them they’re improving by just giving false progression / regressing fights. Sure its great to beat a game, but most players are fine not doing top m+ keys, raiders not so much, some of them bash their heads into a wall until the nerfs come and they achieve victory.

That’s a whole other side though, where I just think the difference from heroic to mythic is damaging for the community, I think blizzards handling of mythic raids is terrible for peoples health, mental, physical whatever its like they feel like they’re not allowed to tell people beneath the top 50 that they aren’t good enough to beat the game.

Personally once other people have done the work and the numbers are out (for fights and classes), I just like looking at different performance distribution between specs and define optimal raid comps, I’ll check to see if any of the top 50 go for something similar but to me its just interesting “very simple, but with many moving parts, math”

If cdew is playing rsham (B tier) and hpal is S tier and the hpal wins (talking AWC), then everyone knows that deep down he wasn’t completely outplayed.

If rsham is S tier and hpal is B tier and he loses, people talk, although probably more positively about the hpals pilot.
It happens with everything competitive, if you’re playing a game against a robot and the robot turns the dial down 10%, you really ought to take to heart what lead to your accomplishment, which when we’re talking about person to person comparison is entirely relevant, a 99 percentile player is the top 1%. If you never actually compete against the robot when its dialed up fully, I can’t say for certain you’re in the top 1%.

how is it false? because you jsut dont agree with it doesnt mean other people dont take that stance and yes there are alot of people who do take that stance.

I agree with your concept, but not that people actually talk.

WoW’s ecosystem, like most MMOs’ ecosystems, is meritocratic. But being meritocratic also necessitates that people are selfish. No one cares if you beat it pre-nerf. They care if they beat it pre-nerf.

part of the accomplisment of doing higher teir content is getting the higher tier gear than that of easier content. so by giving that same gear to a solo player doing trivial content does indeed take away from the achievements of the higher content. this isnt hard to understand.