The forums seems to have a disdain mentality towards those who wants the game to become more solo oriented and against offering more solo play experiences and have alternative ways to gear and alternative difficult contents that can be done by one player instead of many.
There’s no incentive to do group content if solo content gives the same level of rewards.
When you phrase it like a shift in focus, of course.
You’ll get pushback either way, but bait’s bait.
I don’t think so honestly, it’s more that many calls for solo content aren’t as much about adding solo content as about adding ways to acquire max ilvl gear by doing content of equal difficulty to current world content, IE no difficulty at all.
I’m hyped for delves, and always down for more content to be added to the game, as long as it keeps rough parity in terms of difficulty : ilvl ratio with the other endgame pillars.
Folks are just against the pivot.
Older WoW, there wasn’t much you could do solo, outside of hitting max level.
Dungeons, and pretty much anything involving elites was for groups.
Obviously times change, and players aren’t as keen with grouping up with randoms as they used to be, people don’t want to sit and fail group content with nothing to show for it.
Yeah, pretty much this as well.
I personally don’t mind, there’s stuff to cater to everyone it seems.
I mostly play solo these days as well. I miss playing with actual groups, but man, the skill of WoW players varies drastically from one group to the next.
People not knowing or using interrupts, just a total lack of knowledge of what they should be doing.
Can’t really blame people for not wanting randoms at all.
There is if you play content for more than just acquiring ilvl. However if that solo content is substantially easier than everything else that awards that ilvl then there’s an issue.
This is false.
It’s not “many.” Even open world players that are actually serious tell these few people they’re being ridiculous.
I know. I am one of those open world players who tell them they’re ridiculous. And I don’t have to do that often.
Not sure who Solo is but I feel bad that the forums dislikes him so much.
It’s many of the threads that survive on gd, mostly due to the fact they’re the ones that cause the arguments. When a post about solo content pops up that’s just about wanting more to do it tends to go by relatively unnoticed and be gone by next day.
No one should hate Han!
No. It’s a few. Mostly trolls. And GD is roughly one percent of the playerbase.
There shouldn’t be an incentive.
You do it because you want to and because you enjoy playing with other people.
The people who have grouped up to clear content for the last 20 years won’t change doing that just because they have a solo option now. If anything, they’ll probably just do both.
Maybe I can rephrase it somewhat.
The majority of threads discussing solo content are reasonable.
The majority of gd discussion as a whole centred on world content is arguments started by trolls arguing in bad faith in a small number of threads.
I haven’t noticed this. There was enthusiastic support for follower dungeons, delves (even with that silly name), and other solo-friendly content.
In other words: there is no majority asking for Mythic gear to be handed to them. It’s just a few ridiculous people or trolls.
And I agree: no one should be asking for Mythic level gear from open world content.
Open world is part of the ladder and it’s a lower rung on said ladder. Which is totally okay. That’s how this game works.
Yes, but to an uneducated or less frequent observer the popularity of those threads when they do appear could lead them to believe as such.
I’m really hoping delves hit the mark as repeatable solo content with difficulty comparable to m0 and low m+.
I find it hard to believe that gear that drops from Mythic raiding has the same level of rewards as LFR.
He’s someone who likes shooting first
Plot twist: group players don’t care about solo players.
Okay, so now we’re getting to the core of the problem, even if it’s backpedaling from what you originally claimed.
And that’s why I always point this out, because it’s the only thing some of y’all remember and then spread the misinformation that it’s so many people, when it’s not.