Disdain for solo oriented / activities / play on the forums

Idk why solo players need ilvl upgrades, all solo content should just be made like challenge modes where gear scales and the rewards are cosmetics / shift p only.

Then again I also think ilvl is a dated concept that just keeps people on a hamster wheel. If there was actual engaging content beyond raiding or pvp I’m sure plenty of people wouldn’t care, except they’re content with repeating the same thing over and over because they are “growing more powerful” through repetition.

Maybe try reading what I was responding to, instead of dissecting out my specific comment.

Let me help you.
So they were complaining that solo level content does not give the same level rewards as multiplayer content does, which is correct, it does not. So I said that if they do not want to do multiplayer content in an MMO, then you’re not going to get the same level rewards, and an MMO isn’t for them.
Hope that helps your comprehension of what was said.

With that being said, if you want to do AI follower dungeons for low ilvl gear then I hope you have a blast. Best of luck in your endeavors!

I will do my best to respond as kindly as possible, while expressing my opinion bluntly.

You are talking about pivoting away from one of the game’s fundamental designs. It is not that people are just flat out against solo content. It is that the game’s primary design has been some of the, if not the best group based gameplay in an MMO on the market… ever. For 20 years.

They have made the game exponentially more solo friendly over that time. And even in DF they still made it more solo friendly with more solo content. They are even doubling down in TWW with Delves.

The issue I see is that no matter how solo friendly the game becomes, the vocal solo players want a single player version of the game, where they can do all aspects of the game, solo. No matter how solo friendly the game is made, it isnt good enough for the vocal solo players. The game even made acquiring full tier sets able to be done solo. Tier sets with world content bonuses were also added through solo play. Still not enough.

Let me ask you to look at it this way. What is the reaction to complaints that there isnt enough multiplayer elements or gameplay to Elden Ring? That there should be the ability for people to group up and attack bosses in Elden Ring? That the developers of Elden Ring dont care about the group based content community, and the community has distain for multiplayer enjoyers?

This sounds silly. Because, fundamentally Elden Ring is a single player experience. The game is designed as such, and at its core, it is its best when it is that solo player challenging content. There are some multiplayer PvP elements, but that is very minor. But as a game, focusing on adding multiplayer content to the game, would be detrimental to the game experience and design as a whole.

That is why there is that disdain towards the vocal solo community. Because, no matter how much is done to add solo friendly content to the game, and give solo players the ability to have aspects of the game exclusively for that gameplay type, it is never enough.

It comes down to this. As a customer you are choosing to play this game. If the game is not offering the experience you want, you are welcome to voice feedback, but ultimately the game is not going to be able to cater to every players needs. If the player wants a solo experience focused game, there are many games on the market which are solo orientated and frankly do it better than WoW.

By choosing to play a game and complain that it isnt the type of game experience you want to play, even when efforts are regularly made to improve the experience for what you are looking for, yet it still isnt good enough. It starts to look like you are angry at an apple, because while it is a fruit, you want an orange and the apple isnt an orange.

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Item level isn’t a mechanic so much as it is an official recreation of a tool used to tell you “hey this item is overall better than this one”

If Blizzard removes it, it’s going to become an addon again. One people will expect you to have.

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tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if a large portion of the wow playerbase would end up needing an addon to tell them legendary > epic > rare or what their stat priority is.

It’s okay for it to be vastly faster to do things in a group, to account for the time spent getting the group, and then maybe more if you want to incentivise grouping.

But if someone is willing to spend MORE time, deal with the same difficulty, to be alone, I don’t see why he shouldn’t be allowed to do that.

It’s not antisocial people wanting to make an MMORPG into something it’s not. It’s nasty people wanting to continue their golden ticket to be as mean as possible to others because you need them.

Their really is not a need to respond to trolls…


In my experience trolls feed off attention give them none and they go away by themselves.

I mean addons for this do exist. Pawn lets you put in simmed stat weights for items.

I think people misuse it a lot (they aren’t consistently updating their weights - I was also guilty of this when I used it, I am incredibly lazy)

To be clear, I find WoW’s itemization mostly boring, too, but I also don’t know many MMOs that do it much better.

To me personally its a matter of genre. I think we all can play in the same sandbox but at the end of the day, the players who want nothing to do with group content need to realize this is a multiplayer genre intended to be played in parties and raids. Some things you will be there for you to do solo, some might even be designed with the intent for that but, the core end game experience of this genre has and should stay focused on the MMO aspect of it and shouldn’t get trapped in the mislabeling of console games where you happen to occasionally interact with a small group of players and because it’s online its called an MMO.

The first M in MMO is “Massively”. A game where I never see others or hardly interact with them nor have a need for them hardly fits that bill.

I’d rather they just design loot around stat distribution rather than power creep.

Say all rings have a budget of 1000, during the first tier all rings have 600 vers
second tier 350 vers
third tier 200 vers
As the expansion progresses you can fine tune your secondaries, yeah classes who prio vers are a bit more stable over the course of an expansion but thats class design and nothing but.

Blizzard rebalances classes multiple times an expansion/single tier, its laughable that that’s the answer they’ve found for power creep. I think it would feel great replacing your 600 vers 400 crit ring with a rare 1000 crit ring from the last boss of a raid. The top end already requires 99 percentile performance, if upgrades are reduced to <35% power creep over an entire expansion it makes no difference than 300%, they’re just numbers, but apparently people want to chase the highest numbers possible because it “feels better”? Which is a joke of a concept imo. I don’t even look at what numbers are, if I could reduce everything to a /100% value I would, because its easier / more consistent on my brain.

If you mean what I think you do with this, this isn’t true.

Often, Mythic clears have significantly worse parses than runs done specifically for high parses.

I’d like you to expand on this, though. I think I agree? But I want to make sure I understand you fully before I commit to that.

The inflation of both overall stats and secondary stats is one of the things that boggled me when I logged in to check where the Mythic track gear was in terms of power for S4. I’m very much in favor of them being more incremental.

what they said…

what you responded with…

The INTENT was clear in THIS context.
They want more SOLO content (including better gear from such) and YOU said ‘tough…cope’
I didnt misunderstand a thing.
THEY want SOLO content. YOU told them tough luck.

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I’ve always been of the mind that:

  • There’s nothing wrong with solo content granting rewards at the same levels as group content

with the caveat that:

  • Group content should allow the acquisition of rewards faster

This game has had SOLO question since it was created. Its ALWAYS had the CORE of the game…questing…as SOLO content.
Here and there might be a quest that requires a group.
No one is required to run dungeons or raids or pvp to play this game.
The primary aspect of this game is to “have fun in whatever way you enjoy it”.

Expansion after Expansion after expansion…and its never enough for you folks.
Oh wait…you didnt actually mean that YOU expect more content AFTER this expansion…Im sure you meant that YOU are ok with playing the same thing over and over and over again for the next 20 years, correct?

WE ALL want the next new shiny thing, friend. THAT is human nature.

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Solo content is better in my opinion. A lot of WoW players aren’t good or nice people. It is what it is.

eh…I disagree for the most part.
I think how ‘hard’ the content is should be the only factor, not if Im willing to suffer thru a jerk in group content, which happened more times than I want to admit.

I just prefer less of the “have/have not” situations that occur based on what type of content a player enjoys. Difficulty is subjective. One person’s “easy” is another person’s “impossible”.

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it is a hard line to walk here. IM sure they want to encourage group play.
Im not averse to the idea. I did…do…love healing dungeons for example…but players make me hate the experience.
If all the jerky sorts would just leave the game, I think the rest could actually enjoy playing group content without the stress and irriation and it’d be a lot better of a game.

YOure telling me.
I still havent gotten thru the mage tower thing because Im either too stupid or just too unwillling to google it and figure it out lol

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You mean everybody who currently does group content would quit doing it? Sounds like none of those people actually want to do group content at all.

Aside from the fact that there is no “solo community” that has a common agenda, rather individuals who want different things…

When Blizzard designs “solo content” intended to be boring as all heck with next to no meaningful rewards, you guys be like, “That’s your content, which I would have nothing to do with because it sucks. But you should be doing it.”

Nothing is impossible unless you have a severe mental handicap or disability, imo. Maybe I am wrong.

It’s about not beating yourself up and overcoming your mind and self defeated attitude, or that’s how it is for me, - a life long struggle of never being good enough even when I was technically “gud” but “gud” to whom? ahhhh

idk, my dad is so smart and still a private pilot at 70 y/o. I think that is awesome! He used to call himself “dumb” for any little mistake he made (which we all make) and I picked that up since I was a child. That isn’t his fault, his personal struggle I mean, but, I am the same way.

It’s so hard though when ppl crap all over you over and over and over again. I lost myself for a long time. I sometimes wonder if it was just people climbing over you at some point.

Idk so many edits and I still can’t do english.

being “dumb” which I used to pretend in my youth is easier vs being challenged by peon humans, as I am not that competitive over all, sometimes. idk how to explain myself.

hell, edit again bc wine in and why not… I think people are more capable of a lot more but we defeat ourselves or you’re weak like me and let other ppl crap all over you and you believe it and become defeated.