Solo content in a MMORPG…
It’s like going to a party to be alone…
Solo content in a MMORPG…
It’s like going to a party to be alone…
Lol it’s the forums. You can say that you LOVE m+ or hate it and the thread is going to be filled with ppl hating on you either way
The forums are only the same 30-40 people and their
alts mega liking their own posts.
The people soloing the content, are busy doing that,
they’re not here.
What happened to all the people who enjoy playing with friends and group content? It’s not like their content is going anywhere… they should be happy they wont have to interact with solo players forced to group anymore.
I am not against you playing a single player game on the side . I hear that elden ring is good
Plenty of other MMOs exist that offer solo progression tracks. People still group to do content in them anyways.
You could even extend it to any other game. Diablo IV is predominantly a solo game, but people still group up anyways because a massive part of the game’s appeal is grouping together and clearing content together.
The solo progression track just gives people who don’t normally do group content a way to progress and play the game beyond the first 10 hours post-leveling.
This is a non-issue WoW players have exaggerated into being an issue.
When skimming thousands of posters across thousands of discussions, it’s hard to avoid starting to create stereotypes in one’s imagination and then judge all people who fit that stereotype by the most provocative and insensitive things said by a few.
As important as ignoring those seeking to incite conflict is trying to pick out the people who disagree with me, but are respectful enough and thoughtful enough about it to be interesting to talk with.
Eh, I don’t see much “disdain” towards this because this is not what I usually see such requests involving. The Legion Mage Tower and Torghast’s upper levels were difficult and solo(able) events yet the whining for both regards to difficulty back when they were more relevant was pretty rampant in those days.
I’ve no issue with more solo content. Hell, I would like if they adopted a World Tier system like D4 and make the current dailies just much harder and more rewarding. But world-stuff is supposed to doable by everyone, and thus has to be minimally challenging.
They can moan all they want, solo options are here to stay. If they dont like it, they can take their own advice and go play another game. This is no longer 2004. Im not interested in playing on other peoples time and smashing my head against a wall in a raid just to progress my character. F that noise.
PS: if delves and follower dungeons werent here, I wouldnt be here. Biggest mistake blizz ever made was listening to the elite raid crowd. Newsflash, YOU people are the minority. Not us.
There is billions of people out there, each with their own lives, how they perceive things and what not.
But how I view it is some people don’t like change or maybe as to how wow has been catering to the minority (if I remember correctly) they might feel they might get less content aimed at what they like… or maybe those that speak like to be a bridge troll…
Delves, follower dungeons etc are all the good things that are now targeting a wider audience e.g casuals, people who don’t want various things from what is offered in mythic plus or raiding
The preferences and desires are endless as each person is different but personally I truly believe that blizzards endeavour to cater to a largely forgotten player base in recent years is a good thing.
The game, and the majority target demographic aren’t against that at all. The game, and the majority target demographic are for solo play and casual play. That’s what this game is about. For some reason you’ve taken up the mantle of blaming good players for everything, every time I see your name because you have some sort of personal projection problem.
Well I mean there aren’t real solo open world players out there… those are just ai generated npc’s that are placed in the game to make the community seem more healthy. They’re all based on Bruce Willis’s sixth sense character and if you beat the game they find out they’re actually npc’s
It’s a video game, you need to come back to reality if more options for solo play bothers you.
The agents against change are just too shortsighted. Take follower dungeons as an example. For YEARS finding a good tank has been difficult. Fewer players were willing to take that role because too many in this community didnt have the patience to let them learn their role. Now a player can learn these dungeons and learn their class without some Ahole yelling at them for not knowing the dungeon and not knowing how to play.
The forced to play with toxic individuals has been the biggest detriment to this game.
Is this post from 2022?
next to blizz intentionally making systems, currencies, and the economy objectively worse withe every xpac or patch, yes, the clown community of gamers is the final straw when I do unsub.
It’d be unfair to say that all the people coping with the current state of wow are the biggest detriment to the game, though. The ways modern blizz has destroyed this game manifests through each of us.
No, and this is the entire flaw this argument constantly has. It’s not like that, it’s like showing up to a party alone and hanging out with lots of different people, mingling through the party and interacting with everyone and then leaving alone when you are done.
Group content would be akin to showing up to a party with your group of friends and just hanging out with those friends the entire time at the party, off in the corner talking amongst yourselves and then leaving as a group.
If anything, group content is the opposite of what MMO means. You aren’t interacting with a massive amount of people, just your group. Most solo players by default have to interact with lots of other people. Any major world quest, tradeskills, random queued content, etc.
The folks that just log on to do mythic dungeons with their pre formed friend group are FAR MORE anti social, really.
It’s worth remembering that of all the demographics that play mythic+, the players who play in a 5 man static group and don’t play outside of that are the absolute minority. Most people pug at least to some degree, and if they have friend groups they prefer to play with at least in part then most of the time those friends are found and cultivated in pug content.
Thank you! Finally someone gets it.
I encounter thousands of different players, and they each have their own story and I think THAT’s what makes the MASSIVE in MMO.
People who group and play exclusively with the same 5-15 people are living in isolation in non-massive multiplayer.
Of course. I was making the extreme opposite end of spectrum argument to make a point. Folks act like solo players never interact with anyone in their it’s massive derp argument, when in fact people interact all of the time.
Honestly sports and this whole competitive nature is probably what’s now created this gearing is all the game is about argument. Folks get that harder gear is often necessary for harder content, that’s universal. But the whole you have to be this geared to ride this roller coaster nonsense is just tired.
I, like what feels like the large majority of folks in this game, want to play it how we want to play it given the time and level of focus available. This is why we pay a monthly fee for access. It might be queuing up for a raid or dungeon, or it might be doing a quest chain. Or it might be fishing. It might even be doing old stuff like getting an engineering item from six expansions ago.
Frankly this season with bullion rewards has been fantastic. I can easily get the starter track on a weapon and interactive trinkets and rings to make me feel powerful, yet still have to do harder content to fill out my kit, and I can only increase my item level as far as I can push content. Yet I don’t feel “without” like I have in patches past, because I’m using some ordinary drop weapon, and quest reward trinkets, etc.
The bullion concept has really I think helped a lot of players feel more rewarded without messing up gear balance. It benefits solo players a lot. Let’s hope they keep this mentality going forward.