Disconnecting every 15-20 minutes


Your test was pretty short, It also appears you play from halfway around the world so its going to make tests like these look uglier than the connection actually is.

I am not happy seeing 10-15% consistent data loss after you cross the ocean to get to us but it may not be actual data loss. My best recommendation would be, give a VPN a shot and see if the issue improves. (Be aware we do not support vpn’s but you are permitted to use them as long as there are no restrictions in your country on them)


Latency looks good, however there is significant data loss starting at hop three. This appears to be either within your local network or within the ISP’s network.

You send 1169 packets to our service but only 1590 even make it to us. Of that only 1569 make it back to you. That is definitely not going to make for a happy connection.


I don’t like the latency spikes starting between your PC and Router/Modem but no data loss and average latency is good. Those latency spikes are not doing you have favors but I don’t think its the source of disconnections for you. However You say you disconnect every 15-20 minutes, was this test running when a disconnection occurred? If not can you run the test again to capture a disconnection? We want to see what is happening with the connection during a game disconnection.

For everyone else, A reminder that we do not condone personal attacks on these forums. You can disagree, but keep it civil and on topic.

If you would like us to look at connection data to aid in investigating the issue, please post a WinMTR like the above have. The test should be about 10 minutes long, and run while replicating the issue.

You are also welcome to do the basics as described in the common technical issues post. And if VPNs are legal in your country it is a great way to try and rule out a routing/internet level issue.