Disconnected before character select screen

Also having this issue, I am really glad I am not the only one. So weird no word from Blizzard about it yet.

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Iā€™d rather them work on it, honestly, than talk to us about it lol

Ummā€¦yeah. Its still happening. yeah. :zzz:

Yeah Blizz acknowledged that itā€™s an issue. and based on the forums it looks like anyone who wasnt already logged in at the time are having the same issues too x)

did anyone say https://www.wowhead.com/item=19019/thunderfury-blessed-blade-of-the-windseeker

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Having Issue WOW51900127. Why has not a blue posted on this issue yet.

cause blizz has no idea lol

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Same I canā€™t get on and am getting that code.

Edit: Not just WoW, I canā€™t get on HoTS either.

They say its authenticator error but I dont have one and if i put a wrong password in it says wrong password. Weird

I am getting a WOW51900127 error! anyone else having issues?


Definitely a lot of people experiencing connectivity problems right now.

Doesnā€™t seem to be across the board, but a significant amount

Everybody is having issues

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Yep getting the same WOW51900127 as you canā€™t log in. Iā€™ll try and then itll ask for my authentication and after show servers full screen and then disconnect me.

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Same here, Multiple errors when trying to log in

same for meā€¦ lol imagine all of this in a streamā€¦ LUL

51900123 for me anyone know whatā€™s going on?

I, too, keep getting the WOW51900127 error as the client prepared to load the realm list. Not fun :sob:

no but its happening to a lot of people. I started with that error then moved to 127

Same hereā€¦looks like a lot of people having the same problem. :frowning:

Still getting errors 51900127, 519319 :pensive: