Disconnected before character select screen

Yep, immediate dc before getting to character select for me too!

 however my code varies each time just a little.

myself as well


Same here, getting DCd after “logging onto game server” message.

Mr. Goldblum is having his sexy time. He can’t be bothered to fix it.


It’s the worst.

1000% yes. :frowning: Just started about 5-10 min ago.

Just happened to me and several others during an event. I just wanna relax on a Saturday night and hang with friends :sob:

Likewise. Changed password thinking something was up. Looks like another authentication server attack or something -.-

same here.

That escalated quickly

Same here. womp-womp

Cummon man!

been going on for about 25 minutes at this point. ridiculous

Same here.

Same. Can we get a blue response at least acknowledging the issue??


I got “You have been disconnected. (WOW51900128)”. I’m wondering if this has anything to do with the 6-Month Subscription New Transmogrification Set. It seems that this isn’t showing on the WoW character profile page. I noticed some issues with it yesterday. I’ve put that transmogrification set on a number of my toons.

Yes, definitely. I’m on Uldum server.

I guess I can start baking those pumpkin seeds after all :stuck_out_tongue:


Somebody plug the login server back in.

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