Disconnected before character select screen

Nope I don’t have the new transmog and mine disconnected.


oh, good idea! Cookie baking night!

Happened to me too. I figured it was something on my end that required a restart but I’ve been trying to log back in for the past 10 minutes at least.

Yep, gets to the retreiving realm then booted.

Same here. Disconnect error.

I can’t remember having had that much trouble logging in week after week in the last 16 years. Sure had some rough patch days and expansion launches and all but this is actually insane.

I am sure there will be one with the amount of people commenting on this thread in the past 2 min

same. finally got a chance to relax and can’t connect…

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Disconnected as well, NA realms.

Want to add that I also cannot log on to the beta or ptr. Classic worked after a short queue.

I’ve also seen the short queue trying to log on to retail, but then disconnects when trying to connect to the server. WOW51900127

ETA error code.


WOW51900123 as well. I don’t own the new transmogs at all.

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Yes, Down for me as well. Same way

Yes. Was switching characters on Hyjal and couldn’t even make it to the character screen. Switched to beta and the same thing happened, so it is not just live servers.

Same, instant disconnect.

server is full, you are 5th in line, wait 15 seconds, you have been punted, please try again.

add me the the growing list

Me thinks someone tripped over the login server cord…poor chap has been laying there screaming for 10 mins now. No one has found him yet…So sad !!

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Same happening to me and at least one of my guildmates.

Same problem, doesn’t let me in after queue.

same issue