Disc priests post your mythic plus builds for DF

Thought it an interesting topic and one where peoples builds could all be in one spot and discusison one why you chose certain talents.

My key build. I went SFP. Mainly because if we dont get mind sear back we will need some more aoe damage, i dont anticipate it proccing atonement. But just for damage

With the cd on SWD and mind blast reduction you can possibly fit in 2 casts of each into proccing SFP.

Also with shadow cov prob going to be the play in keys both are shadow spells and can fit into the shadow cov time for more damage.

Still allowing rapture for a buffer and barrier. I dont see the point in getting lenience.

Twilight ewmpowerment is a bit more niche but i cant see you some use def in keys with the reduced cd on SWD and if your lucky enough to have ToF going and SFP will net some nice healing damage in the bargain

I don’t think you will be able to get barrier there.

I’m like 100% certain that’s a bug with Wowhead’s talent preview - but the preview Blizzard showed has no connection from Rapture to Barrier (and even WoWhead’s calculator has no connection there).

My build’s probably gonna be something like this: https://www.wowhead.com/dragonflight-talent-calc/AABsQAEQmQmBRASQghIhEBQABuOVVRSAhIVgFAaBEBA

Flexing Lenience/Schism/LW and Leap of Faith/Clear Mind depending on want.

A lot of this depends on spellpower coefficients too.


Edit: Welp, they changed the talent tree page, so my links and builds are no longer accessible. I’ll post new ones.

I like this one too…

new build im considering with the new talents. Cant say im happy but improvise adapt etc

Left-heavy Disc

Since the talent trees were updated, my builds and links disappeared, so here’s my new M+ build, centered around maximum burst healing:

It’s increasingly clear that, in M+, Disc’s maximum potential for burst healing can only be realized during Shadow Covenant windows, particularly with Harsh Discipline and Dark Reprimand. The purpose of this build is to reach that.

I still go for damage via Wicked Star, which will do even more impressive damage with the recent alpha change of trading the silence for more damage. I do sacrifice Pain Suppression with this build, but I still take Barrier.

However, if it’s an M+ week where the affixes are especially punishing to the tank - necrotic, raging (esp. raging + fortified), etc. - then I will trade the extra 3 talents of damage for Pain Suppression, Shining Force for knocking mobs away from the tank, and Lenience. This is that build:

I think the builds you guys are posting are fine, so I rather than post a similar one, I’m thinking being very wacky and doing something like this now for M+.

Basically I’m cutting Radiance as much as possible. I don’t want to spend 3 points for Imp. Radiance if I’m already grabbing Scov - which will help with AoE healing in its own right.

As such, I’m taking as much atonement duration as I can (and can pair evangelism with Radiance when I need that duration), and also cutting Harsh Discipline/Evenfall since I won’t be taking a second radiance charge (and can’t depend on its proc). Boosting up Mind Blast/SW:D as much as possible, and cutting Smite almost completely. Also grabbing the pain supp cooldown talent since it’s significantly better than shining Radiance.

Flex points in Clear Mind/Leap/Translucent for if I’m feeling I DO need that Smite damage.

An Alpha tester is saying that Dark Reprimand is not benefitting from Harsh Discipline. I hope that’s just a dev oversight or bug. It would be a great loss if not.


so this is what i came up with for raiding not a big scov fan and you can reuse the life grip talent and place to use as flex utility

good thread btw

Intetesting. Thoughts behind going Solatium in the disc tree?

Yeah i thoguht that was brave. You went CR too.

Are we getting mind sear back yet do we know

Yep, it’s one of those talents that could be very, very good depending on how it’s implemented. There’s no reason for its damage to not be put into Atonement anymore - and that means it would just be a HUGE efficiency bonus to PW:S along with the damage it provides, which is pretty decent.

I mean, no OFFICIAL word, but I believe we’re not unless the tree gets changed again.

Mind Sear isn’t part of the baseline spell toolkit and Shadow’s the only spec with it in the tree. So seems like we’re stuck with slamming wicked star - and any M+ build not going for it is going to have a lot of trouble with overall.

If I were to guess they’re probably scared of putting it in the Disc tree with inner light+shadow and Shadow covenant’s extended duration. A 35% increase to sear is pretty close to Penance’s damage even on Single target. For an uncapped AoE that’s a lot of damage for a healer to have consistently.

it was actuually my first leggo in Season 1. I was doing pvp to get gear for raiding so i made it and used it in keys and raiding as well. Did do ok damage if you had rapture up

I feel we need mind sear to really take the mythic plus dps to a higher level, tho since we can spread PtW more and wikid star, maybe that will be enough. add all that and mind sear mind be too much. Shadow will be if only their aoe dps was that easy

this one is more scenario based but sometimes ill use smend to start a ramp to get hps value if someone is low that just kind of gives it extra value

Dragonflight Talent Calculator - 10.0.0 Beta (wowhead.com)
Im Def going for the Pure DPS Build and Have All my Healing Come from Atonements my only Concern is that Disc Still Doesnt have much Raid Healing Spells Besides Rapture and Halo thats the only thing im Hesitant on

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I didn’t realize until today that PoM has a cast time again. Why? That felt SO bad last time they did it.


i figured there would be a way to make that instant in the holy tree but im not finding any.

I actually panic searched after I posted that above because I didn’t want to look ridiculous complaining but not reading past the first talent, but I also didn’t find anything to talent into :frowning:

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Hum, didn’t see that either… and here I was hoping to maybe cast it on the move as disc…

Feels like I won’t be pressing that button :slightly_frowning_face: