This idea people have that people are playing blitz like it’s rated arena is delusional. Arena is a far more controlled environment blitz on the other hand is not at all its chaos with people going on dr all the time and random dps spikes.
So people saying “just cc the healer” are out of touch. And also not every class has a infinite amount of cc like Druid or rogue all of my cc has a cd.
This is somewhat a symptom of what was talked about in another thread and that is having an ability without modifiers hitting for 50K but the same ability with modifiers critting for 500K.
Some normalization of damage would improve the game on both extremes and reduce arguments in posts like this one.
Charming you’ve been playing a long time my guy. What situation, arena/bg/rbg is not appropriate to cc a healer? Healers should be cc’d every chance…on the roads, fighting for flags, carry flags, in 2’s and 3’s, in epics…doesnt matter. see a healer. cc it.
You aren’t playing a 1v1 duel. You’re playing in a team game, it should be a team effort. Chain CC is what wins, not just random CC in the middle of your rotation.
I play heals, I try to CC the enemy heals all the time, but there is often those random DPS players just trying to kill them, thus breaking my CC and helping the other team.
What a great montage, makes me want to roll Fury. Is Fury difficult to play?
Watched your other videos and WOW! You are like the Michael Meyers aka Boogeyman of Warcraft. Reminds me of the original Halloween when Dr. Loomis says,
fury is not hard to play, its one of the easier melees, its only super hard when playing against caster specs like frost mage that can keep you perma slowed and blink away, anything that can kite a fury warrior out will kill it.
horrific idea, unless you lower the damage in the game a little bit then maybe this is fine, but just removing healers and keeping everything else would quite literally kill pvp, which might not be a bad idea thinking about it, scrap pvp and rebuild it.
Like Khazix said, it is not a mechanically difficult spec to play. I’d say it’s one of the easiest in terms of keybinds and rotations. It does well against most things in small fights, except for “good” mages and, ofc, sub rogue - which kills pretty much anything.
Cocoon should prevent the person with it on them from using abilities AND have a cast that is interupable. It is too strong as it is now. But yeah, switching targets is required since it absorbs like 6 times what Shield of Vengeance does.
Losing add-on access in pvp would remove about 2/3 of the playerbase, and maybe 1/4 of wow subscriptions. Maybe thats the world you want to live in. Id rather keep add-ons as is. As far as you recommending all builds/gear be equally viable, no. Stats/procs/bonuses/embelishments/enchant choices matter. Gearing and Talents may be a level of complexity you don’t like, but other people do. There are FPS games and HoTS if simple character building suits you.
Rated pvp and Blitz disabling the use of many external buffs like pvp food/buzzing runes/potions ect is a simpified version of the gameplay you’d likely prefer.
In pvp, if all healers were only as durable as a Protection Paladin is, we might find more players willing to ask for Prot pally buffs for pvp. Right now a well played healer might be about 5 times more difficult to kill than a Prot Paladin. I dont want healers excluded from BGs and I do see a need for them to be more durable than a single dps, but maybe less durable than all tanks would be appropriate.
Cacoon is instant cast/MW is a strong healer, my goal isnt to kill the MW unless I must for an objective. While, yes, a hoj that isnt removed with a teliport prevents a cast during it for a few seconds, then it is used. Killing a player often takes longer than that hoj lasts, might last 1 second(1.5min trinkets for healers). My kills normally require a team effort. For me to live I must have a healer, and for my target to die more than just me must prio enemy healer cc or a friend with mortal strike must be nearby as I cannot be so well equipped. I could try to repentance, but normally using searing glare or battle rez gets me holy locked and killed quite quick, repentance is also holy school. I still help with them if allowed to, but it makes me vulnerable to being unable to use any abilities.
You really should spend less time ranting on the forums, and more time getting better
I got 1800 on my fury warrior in shuffle playing the class for 3 weeks with a 80% win rate just mowing down healers in shuffle.
Hit 2100 in 2s last week, and go figure I faced a fistweaver/outlaw for my 2100 game.
Baited him away from his teleport, feared him, had my druid stun rogue, bursted dps, mistweaver trinket cocooned, stormbolted monk, had my druid clone dps, and I won that game in 40 seconds.
You wanna be good at this game? Be good.
Stop trying to ruin the game for people who actually care about a healthy balance between healers/dps.
Very true, some tanks have a better kit/tuning for pvp than others. Prot Pally/Prot Warrior could use some love in that department. Disc is quite strong(durable), likely too much so. I’m not lighting pitch forks for their durablity, its Mass dispell and fear that can be dufficult for me, but many specs have a fear or remove my defensives.