Disc is too op

NERF disc priest. It should not take an entire group to kill them. They have no problem with mana, they do more damage than most DPS. On top of all that bs, they have endless heals.


All you do is spam “yummy” SMH


I’d take a pres evoker or mw monk over a disc any day as BG healer.

A few competent dps can kill any healer, but in reality, you should cc them. Disc is also the least mobile healer in game, which can be problematic against a team with a smart DK.


CC is NOT the answer. :roll_eyes:


Yeah. This is why you struggle.


I know enough that one of the top rated specs in BGs is complaining and trying to kill healers instead of using the best cc in game. You’re playing your spec wrong and asking for Blizzard to accommodate you because of it. You also don’t have any embellishments on your gear and are enchanting stamina gems. So that tells me a lot how you play. :man_shrugging:t2:


LMAOOOOOOOOOO Whatever, You are just another know it all… :rofl:


Cyclone is extremely powerful. In rated because it can’t be dispelled and in randoms because allies often break CC. Root beam really screws any nongnome priest.

Both those CCs are so problematic that they could force a priest to trinket.


a monk and a druid fighting over a disci priest thread



U can lead a sheep to the water. But you can’t make him drink.

You’re so intelligent. Thank you for keeping my post active though.

No. But compared to you I’m Stephen hawking .


Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I am not a chicken expert… But with your current spec you have Star Burst selected as a pvp talent and are not talented into Starfall, casually -1 pvp talent for no reason. Also, you aren’t talented into Umbral Intensity which works in conjunction with your tier bonus. You are playing a spec that is dependent on wild mushroom, which I doubt you are using correctly given my previous observation and your posts. Maybe that is okay because you’re willing to forfeit 5% damage from Waning Twilight. Missing out on a ton of damage right now.

You may want to consider reading/watching some guides so you can better understand your class and how to play it. There are tons of resources out there!


The one thing y’all don’t seem to understand is, people switch builds and gear depending on what they’re doing. Don’t come after my build, or my gear. Again, you people don’t know who I am and how I play. But we have know it all, experts commenting. :heart_eyes:

Really really bad


They have Stamina gems, they have no interest in doing damage.


Prove it… :joy::joy:

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Oh okay, sorry! You were intentionally playing the wrong build last time, and using the wrong gear. When you actually play, you switch back to the correct talents and gear. I understand now.

Unfortunately, even if I were to believe that, you still have no idea what is going on based solely on your posts. It is okay to not know, WoW is a difficult game with a lot of things to learn and understand. But as I said earlier, there are a ton of resources that you can use to improve. I’d highly recommend checking them out so you can understand the basics of the game and how your class is to be played!

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What stamina gems? Also, I’m glad you’re still here. It fills me with Joy knowing it.

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