- Healers are not easy to play. They don’t need nerfs.
- Healers need to have good defensives (be tanky) so they are not the most viable target to kill in a team fight, otherwise they would just get focused and die.
- When I kill a healer easily 1v1 I just assume that they misplayed or didn’t have cooldowns. My observations are based on the healers that are hard to kill, not the ones that are easy to kill and there is a wide gap between the two.
- Two good DPS can kill a good healer.
should i swap to the purple valentine’s day xmog (not using hat cause bald)
I had the best mog until you guys mog shamed me on my
DOUBT THAT. my mog is the actual best.
Honestly we should get rid of healers in pvp altogether.
The fights are too long, and too predictable.
The queues right now are bonkers.
I want a healer and tank free mode because sorting them out for games is way too time consuming.
do you not like my meat beating stick and meat chunk? wtf
You do not really want this.
You think you do…but you don’t.
yeah um. a lot of people want to heal, it’s not something we just take because we are trying to fill an unwanted role.
if i didn’t have a healing option available i would simply not play, lol.
your monks mog was awful lmao
You fixed it now, proud of you soulfu
I dunno I feel like I was trend setting. Like you guys weren’t ready for my level of style … it’s ok you will get there!
awful xmogs are the only way to go, you should go back to it. don’t give in to peer pressure. peers donno
your right! im gonna put a mog on that really describes who i am! and then murder some orcs!!!
be your best self
I totally agree with OP here. The entire ability for a class to dominate is pretty sad indeed. Also we dont need crafted gear in PVP. We don’t need add ons or macros in PVP. We don’t need get good bots telling real players how to spec their toons.
I am a big supporter for player autonomy and it’s Blizzard’s job to make all abilities and gear choices balanced. This whole obsession with BiS meta gaming is boring AF.
Get rid of the healer/tank spec in random BGs holds up queue times everywhere.
Yeah, and there is something wrong with that tbh. Healers should be healers and nothing else, IMO.
Nah. Awful back peddling players with stamina gems and no enchants who don’t know their dps rotation shouldn’t ever be able to kill a competent healer.
If u think u need to be a BIS meta gamer to dominate rando bgs then u are delusional
The something wrong is the dps players being terrible
Blizz always caters to the majority of whinners. So if killing a healer is to difficult for dps they will eventually
Remove them from the game. That’s how it works