Disc is too op

wtf did I just read? Are you trying to give me a play by play on a arena win for some reason? I do think disc is in the best spot of all healers right now. They top charts easy enough, bring excellent utility and damage. ITs just all round the best

disc has peaceweaver?

Look everyones got something nifty to bring to the table. You can play this game all day and bring up stuff like peaveweaver. BUT at the end of the day disc just edges out everyone else with their throughput and utility.

ya i like how every rbg healer comp is 3 discs

double radiance rlly smokes revival+peaceweaver in a bg environment


Oh yeah, you are apart of Killer Instinct, right?

Explaining what it takes to kill a healer as a single dps in 40 seconds

Believe me I’m aware that most of that is a foreign language to 99.99% of the dps on the bg forum



You’d be wrong

MWer > Prevoker > Disc in bgs


All pvp environments are imbalanced. And unfair.

Don’t make me laugh LMAO! Add on sand Macros are toxic AF. They should be upsupported. I am not here to play against bots. I am here to play against players.

I dont know what a sand macro is, but bots need the associated accounts pera banned for sure.

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I play Ret, not Prot. I just know its the only tank with defensives that wont cast if you flag/orb carry.

Cant ban most addons without a grand departure of players, reguardless of content type or difficulty designation.

They have fat fingers, they mean “addons and macros”.

I don’t agree with them, just pointing it out.


You sound like a paladin lmao


Praise be /char

You realize that there is a healer free pvp mode already right? Its called 2v2.

and wrong!

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No… lol 2v2 arena definitely exists lolol.

healer free if you play rogue mage, otherwise it has healers all the time and they own the highest levels, resto druid is incredibly good in 2v2, best spec offensively and defensively at the same time in 2s.

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Looks like they ruin that too.

if a team has two disc priests you’re not killing anyone - ally just went zero kills in a bg with 2 horde discs - blizz knows this they dont care

im really believe some of the developers have classes they play - and they keep them buffed becuase its their “pick”