Disc is too op

Come do a bg with my on my fury warrior and I’ll show you what real damage is lol

There is NO reason to have this conversation, because I can show you what good damage is. If you don’t want to see me prove it to you, you just want to be right no matter what.

Just because you’re struggling with killing healers, doesn’t mean everyone else is

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having to spam heal themselves instead of their teammates


You do the aoe team fighting build. ATM, I do a single target sustain build using battle trance (which is very strong in 1v1s). Sub rogues and good mages are the only things that I would classify as VERY HARD in the BG environment.

First is single target sustain build. Second is AoE build in season one (no death wish).

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Why not just come play so I can show you?

Afraid I’m right or what lol?

Honestly Tidepod, I don’t want to group with you because you have a pattern of using discord to get information on people so you can use it against them when you have a disagreement on the forums.

And, no, I’m not going to compete with you on overall damage because I’ll be out 1vNing objectives. I play to win, which means I am competing against players on the other team and I’m not competing against players on my own team.


So don’t join discord?

Just stand there and do nothing?

Also enlighten me when I did this

My gameplay often does involve just standing around doing nothing if I am at an objective not being attacked. Other times it will be winning a 1v2 to secure the win for our team.

Here is how I play. We are polar opposites when it comes to pvp. As I said in a different thread, I can understand the appeal of playing a BG like it is team deathmatch. That can be fun and it’s less stressful, anyway. But, I can’t be in a BG and not be playing to win.

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You’re not a good player and refuse to be wrong. Got it lol

also outside of thaedreu, which I’ve already apologized for. This has never happened

Also: the only reason why it got linked, was becaused he ASKED ME TO LINK IT LOL

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I dunno man, I play objectives and still top damage all the time. I don’t think dominating the scoreboard and playing to win are mutually exclusive.

Not always, but if you are solo queue in a TOK and you grab an orb then you can’t really push in to do damage. You have to show a low profile.

Or if you are solo queue in a BFG and you are solo defending LH or mines then you are not going to be topping damage. Same goes for EOTS. If you are solo assaulting bases defended by one or two players then you are not going to be topping damage in the BG.

People don’t seem to understand that a person has be pretty good to solo assault or defend nodes 1vN and be successful at doing so. Team fights are EZ when you are with people you know on comms unless fighting a comparable set up.

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Healers always get stupidly overpowered when Resilience – I mean Vers. gets out of hand.

QQ’ing in RSS has overtuned them in every other game mode when they’re not hit with 30% dampening, a guaranteed MS and stuck in a tiny arena with 2 DPS going ham.

the 15% stamina buff made pacing now miserable.

Here, I went for top damage in this TOK and didn’t play objectives at all (other than trying to kill enemy orbs). Guess what? My team lost. I was solo queue here without a healer.

Now, typically what I do on warlock is I get orbs since I can z-axis the port. Playing that way will usually put me in the middle of the pack on damage but will greatly increase my chance of winning.

Again, I’m talking solo queueing here so I’m usually responsible for my own survivability.

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46 million on affi is unbelievably low.

Pk just did 140m

Yeah, while solo queue with two warriors hugging his nuts for a good portion of the match as well. Blitz matches are shorter than random BG matches, you know.

Oozo what would you say your skill level is

I’m just curious as to where you rank yourself

Also still waiting for an answer on this one boo

Way I see it you’re just fighting with everyone who is better than you at this game. Making this personal for no reason whatsoever, and then when they’re offering to take you into a bg, so you can SEE IT you decline.

This isn’t a conversation, this is just you venting about your inability to kill 1200 shuffle healers

Your opinion is healers don’t die outside of cds, my opinion is they do.

You say it’s impossible, I offer to show you, you don’t want to see it.

Ignorance is bliss I guess

In terms of class mechanics, good but sometimes I can make some really cool plays. Consistency can be a problem, but I think that can also be a part of multiclassing. Playing different classes back to back can lead to errors, like switching and forgetting I’m on warrior and trinketing fear. Those types of mistakes go away when I play the same class back to back though.

I am good enough to win fights against gladiators, legends, rank ones 1v1 in BGs, but, of course, that doesn’t translate at all to something like arena where they would destroy me. It’s an entirely different skillset.

In terms of map awareness and playing BG objectives, however, I think I’m very good which is why I am doing well in Blitz.

You did this to that priest, Jugaa and some warrior (although that wasn’t personal info).

You just play the game differently than I do. You do team fights and I do off objectives which requires winning 1vNs, outplaying or at least stalling 1vNs. Both types of players are important for a team to win a game. You are very good at what you do. I am very good at what I do. I can carry bad teams to win in Blitz.

Well, that is a dishonest strawman. I was saying that killing a good healer who has cooldowns and trades them well is hard to kill 1v1. Not sure how you go from that to what you just said.

Some people seem to be saying that healers are easy to kill 1v1 or something and that is just not true for a good healer with good cooldown usage.

people that think that healers are any sort of “overpowered” are completely wrong and most likely have never played a healer or don’t see that this game is getting worse because less and less people are playing the healer spec

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I don’t know a single good player in this game who argues healers are overpowered.

The funny part is anytime you offer to show these people they’re wrong, they decline.

It’s like watching your dad try to figure out the internet

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I guess it’s a good thing I never said that, then. Go back and read what I have said. I said that a good healer who has defensives and trades them well is not easy to kill 1v1.

I never said it was impossible to kill and I even said I don’t think healers need to be nerfed. Almost everything being thrown at me here are strawman arguments, which is really quite annoying.