Disc is too op

What were the DPS on Alliance and how much damage did they do?

Facts. And more facts.

16k total.

This is factually untrue. MW monks, and I main both Disc and MW, are actually the best bg healer. They cannot be kidnapped by DK’s, they have peaceweaver, bubble, celestial bubble and high output hots. Disc, while hard to kill, is significantly less mobile, susceptible to kidnaps in PvP and lacks a major survival move like cocoon, spirit link, tranq, bubble,etc.

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When I fight Disc priest 1v1 I spend 5 minutes depleting their mana, then I start working on their HP, they’re so annoying, can’t they just get 1 shotted like everyone else! No respect for MM!


16k at level 70?


Then that would explain it.