DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

And it shouldn’t be.

It never was before, and it shouldn’t be now.

It should be fixed.


People need to just unsub until it’s fixed. That is the only thing they will listen to. I mean, I have already…I’m just here until my remaining time runs out.


Right, but Blizzard said the situation is working as intended, so best to just move on from this part of the conversation.
And again, I disagree that it was “never” like this before.
I had a lot of trouble soloing bosses in HFC at the start of BFA.

There’s a stark difference why you had trouble. And the only fight that would have given you trouble is assault, which was pure mechanics.

The problem with legion mythics in the current iteration of this expansion isn’t only (or even primarily) mechanics, it’s improper scaling which everyone has pointed out.

Like many others, solo’ing all of mythic WoD was quite literally the first thing I did upon dinging 120 in BFA. Obviously high mobility classes & specs could do assault at that time. It was closed off to low mobility. Bar that, there was nothing in way of power scaling that was sealed off from any fresh 120 being able to solo it as any spec. Not one.


Feel free to disagree all you want, but your experience doesn’t mean the same for everyone. Assault was one of the only encounters that was busted at the start of BFA. The rest was ezpz. And “moving on” shows complacency, which means we’re ok with it. We aren’t. So I don’t think anyone that this truly matters to will be “moving on”


Not for me. I think it changed shortly after, but I was basically unable to kill any boss.
Had to get help with all three of the first bosses a few weeks in a row and eventually just gave up.
Had no real interest in the transmog anyway, just thought it would be nice.

Got it, was not the case for me. I got farmed by the first few. I did so little damage to them at the time.

I hope you understand, “moving on” means “moving on” from WOW entirely. Quite a lot of people are leaving over this. FFXIV has been the top MMO subscriber wise for awhile…I think WOW temporarily took the lead again with SL launch, but that will rapidly change.

Back to Shadowbringers for me…in 12 days.


So what are you plans? Never stop talking about it until you force Blizzard to make the game the way you want?

The fact is, they LIED to us. They told us our power wouldn’t change, just our level, and that at 50 we could still solo the things we could at 120. That is blatantly untrue. And then it got even worse at 60. All we are asking for, is what they originally told us would happen.


I mean, you are talking to the wrong person with this.
If you are going to quit the game instead of just get more gear and overcome your obstacles it makes me think you don’t really enjoy it anyway.

The only thing you play this game for is to farm transmog purely solo?

I can’t relate to that at all, and frankly, I struggle to believe it.

It does appear they lied, I agree. Or were wrong.
One way or another, things changed for sure.

Nope…honestly I don’t care THAT much about transmog. It’s fun at times. But, as a break from the daily grind of current content, I really enjoy going back and doing old raids, especially Legion ones since I didn’t do them that much when it was current. I can no longer do that.

It’s also not just “old raids” that are broken. About half of BFA content is broken (Mechagon for sure, N’Zoth invasions and horrific visions for sure). It is HARDER to do it at 60 than 50. It’s not just about soloing old raids. I’m still doing a lot of daily stuff in BFA to farm cosmetic things. If this is “intended”, then it’s also “intended” that I just go back to FFXIV instead. Where the devs actually care and listen to the playerbase.

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You certainly can. It just takes a bit more effort than you’d like.
At worst, it takes a second player.

Ion is a resto shaman, gm of a guild that goes back to vanilla. He has grey parses, and doesn’t do the chores we are expected to do. He doesn’t do transmog. He doesn’t do PvP. He doesn’t play alts.


The squeaky wheel gets the grease, otherwise the bar just keeps getting lowered.

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Yep. I’m not just going to let them LIE to us, and say “it is what it is” and keep giving them money.


It’s not about “what we want.” They said it wouldn’t be any different from before, and that’s not the case. Even if they don’t change their minds, they can still be made aware that we know they weren’t completely truthful and we aren’t happy about it.

Yes, this is how some people play. They were banking on Blizz to keep their word and they did not. Doesn’t matter if you struggle to believe it or not because quite frankly I struggle with the fact that you get green text and the “MVP” title with almost every post you make. Doesn’t change anything, though.


Sure, but in the meantime, you can solve your own problem right?
or is this more about not letting the company walk all over you than actually getting transmog?

I am still struggling to understand the core issue here honestly. Seems to change based on the poster, perhaps?

Some people really care about farming transmog. I like going back and doing stuff from older xpacs mainly to wind down. And I’m still farming stuff from BFA since I didn’t play while it was current, and I don’t appreciate it being harder at 60.

I’m not a HUGE transmog nut to where I do nothing but farm old raids. But I DO enjoy farming old raids. And I expect to be MUCH stronger doing the BFA daily stuff than I am now. I eventually want to fully upgrade my cloak and destroy horrific visions, since I never had the opportunity.

If we “solve our own problem”, then they will never fix anything.