DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

Just a clarification because I may have missed it: you have successfully solo’d all of Mythic Antorus on a non-tank, non-pet spec at around say, ilvl 200? (You can’t expect the players who mainly like soloing old content to be doing current edge cutting content, after all.)

If you’re going to claim it’s not a problem, then I’d love details of how you’ve done it.


What you want me to level characters just to meet these criteria?
I play a blood death knight for a reason. I am not interested in much else right now other than holy paladin which was equally easy.

Obviously there will be bosses that have mechanical issues though. That’s not new to this situation.

This is so true it hurts.

Many, many players enjoy doing WoW after they’ve out-leveled the content. If they have to have current mythic gear to do OLD content, they’re going to just quit.

There were times when WoW appealed to all sorts of players because it had “something for everyone.” Now it feels like we’re back to the old “raid or die” mindset. Very disappointing if you ask me.


Well, given your main argument is that it’s easy and perfectly doable, I think it’s fair to ask you to demonstrate it. Otherwise, your argument doesn’t stand on anything.


:point_up_2: Couldn’t have said it better.


I have demonstrated it. Have a look at the log I posted at the start of this thread.
I believe it was something like 39 percent of all damage dealt missed my character.
You can also see a clear increase of damage done, by around 10x.

I will not be leveling characters to fit your personal preference though.

If you are struggling to find success in content 4-5 years old, you can solve it quite easily yourself.
I do not need to bend over backwards to show you it can be solved by me.

Or just not pay for a product that does not suit me


Right, absolutely. If that’s what you want to do, do it.
Just don’t expect the game to change because of it.

This is a problem that squarely solves itself over time.

Lucky for me I have watched a few of your videos and can tell the type of person you are. You come here saying all this stuff without truly putting yourself in so many that are complaining about this.

You want players who really enjoy old content as being powerful to do current Mythic stuff ,which many that like running old content do not like that sort of thing. You say oh keep working on gearing your guy yet ignore what many have informed you on that in basic fresh ilvl 250ish gear in BFA I could solo Mythic WoD, yet now in Nomral Raid gear of SL I should be way stronger, but I am not.

You have no desire to test what we are seeing on other races because you prefer DK only and will only use that mythic gear you have. Go buy you a ton of ilvl 151 stuff and go for it and complete the entire Mythic final raid of legion.

Based on these little comments you make it appear to other that they just need to get good, it is a them problem even though many have never complained on this in the past. You have blinders on and just refuse to see what we are saying.

Please don’t take this wrong but another thing you fail to see which I think is because you are young and believe you are an elitist, is most of your response just comes off as you being an a$$ to other people’s concerns. I truly feel you would rather large amounts of players to unsub than post their opinions on a game many of us love. Many of us do not want to unsub but feel we must, why because of players like you that do not try and stand up and use your voice to help make change through your channel or here. No instead you constantly belittle everyone’s opinion with your comments. Do I think you do this on purpose, no I do not. I think you just do not know any better.


You don’t need to unsub. You can just gear up more and solve this problem yourself.

Its fine though, I can tell we aren’t going to connect on this topic.
Best of luck finding pleasure!

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See this right here, you fail to understand I will never be a mythic raider, I will never be a M+ 10 and above guy. Many of us that do enjoy old content do no enjoy those things. You say gear up, this is what drives people to get upset with you. I never had to get geared EVER, EVER to run old content. If my shaman is 205 and druid 198 and I am not a heroic/mythic raider hardcore how much further gear can I go?

You are right we will never connect on this topic because only one of us can see both points. I see what you have said and I do agree that getting ilvl 220 would make it even easier, but what you refuse to see is those that enjoy old content do no work toward that goal. They are happy with being just being decently geared and enjoying so old stuff like that have for many, many years.

I strongly encourage you to learn what empathy truly is, I use that word a lot with my Soldiers when mentoring them and trying to teach them to look at others perspectives.

Also, thank you and best of luck and success on your channel.


Its just coming from two different perspectives.
I always try to solve my own problems, and that is something that has been with me since I was a child.

If I wanted to solo old content and I wasn’t powerful, I would do anything in my power to change that, because I hate not succeeding.

I basically started this guild for that same reason.
I was sick of not getting accepted into other guilds.

I changed the reality of my situation to succeed.

You could do that too, but you choose not to and try to blame Blizzard for that.

I understand it. Its just not something I could ever empathize with.

This is just too easy to work around.

We aren’t talking about mythic raiding here.

This is not that difficult, and does not require any special work.

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But if there was never a problem until now,. What we need to find out is why is there a problem now. I agree with everything you just said accept you keep speaking about we are not doing anything but blaming blizzard. Just simply answer a few questions for me if you don’t mind.

1)How does players that does not run heroic/mythic/M+ going to get 200+ ilvl and above without waiting for AH prices to drop on BoEs?

  1. Speaking of reality, many player over all the past expansion were able to run older content in basic gear achieved once hitting level cap, why is it now they have to get epic equipped in order to complete old content (my shaman is 205 and I can’t solo all of them)?

  2. Everyone enjoys different things in wow, some love pushing the challenge, some RP, some pet battles, some pvp, etc. That is what makes this game so amazing. If a huge majority of the player base feels that the tuning in Legion content currently is off and running old content is their primary focus. By those like yourself that say, “this is a you problem and you can fix it”. What if tomorrow out of the blue, Blizzard came out with a patch and removed M+, Mythic raiding, rated pvp, how would you feel as now the content you like is gone? because that is how many feel.


If this is the problem, shouldn’t it be addressed? I believe Ion requested more feedback as to how the old raid scaling is broken. There are so many different posts with people doing there absolute best to explain scenarios with plenty of evidence that something isn’t right. 10 levels has never felt so weak. There is old content that is more difficult now then it was 10 levels ago. It’s one thing to say Ilvl will solve the problem over time but to pretend it’s working just the same as it always has is just acting in bad faith. If you wanna see how much of a mess the scaling has made of the entire game as a whole, just open your professions tab and look at how 3 expansions offer the same enchants or gems. The content squish feels very Alpha still and in my opinion should not have went live like this. People will pay to support the thing they love, however quality is still very important and I think when content goes live like this, you are asking your players to be free labor game testers when most of us have already paid for a finished product. Do you not feel this way yourself sometimes?


The issue is that after 3(?) number squishes things don’t mesh well. The entire reason the legacy damage buff exists is because the stat squishes murdered the exponential scaling players used to have when it came to old content. Instead of having 300k health and critting for 1 million like before squishes, we now have 30-40k health and crit for maybe 20k tops with CDs. This means a lot when the boss functionally has 375k real health and hits for 1k with melees every 1.5 seconds.

The main issue I can see is that this has never really been a problem before, and everyone keeps talking past each other about it. The big thing is that people say the scaling is broken. Blizz says it isn’t, and technically it isn’t. It increases your damage by 800%, but that just isn’t enough when the amount of health is so large. It used to be bugged, and Blizz fixed it, from 400% to 800% and it still wasn’t enough.

This hasn’t really been a problem before. Mechanical issues with soloing are a problem, but generally numerical issues aren’t. This is a numerical issue. Just increase the Legion damage buff like the rest of the expansions and be done with it.


Being “free labor game testers” is just how this game works.
The development is NEVER done.
I don’t know why that is the case, but it is how it is and has been for as long as I can remember.

The issue with this topic though, is there isn’t actually anything not working properly.
Both the damage buff and the level deficiency combat tables are in and working well.

The content is perfectly doable numerically, and there are even things like the Heart of Azeroth to make it even easier.

Either way if anyone feels they can’t complete the content, all they need to do is post some logs!

Very few people have done that though, so its been a tough discussion.

I am unsure why they don’t just tune it up further for sure.
But for now, this is how it is.

what metro is really saying we ruined soloing old content and you have ways to solve the problem either play a class that can do it or invite people cause we see nothing wrong with it really it can be fixed by just inviting people. he is totally acting dumb here for no reason unless he totally didn’t know how soloing old content was before shadowlands came out which i highly doubt it. just as when you first hit 60 it is way harder to kill trash world mobs until you get gear and stuff cause 10 levels don’t matter in power you just get weaker at 60 than the whole time going from 50 to 60, yes a big fail just like old world content is a big fail to. how or why it is this way i don’t care the game wasn’t working this way before shadowlands.

if all i did was old content it’s worth the unsub.

I don’t JUST do old content. But going back and soloing old content is something I enjoy to wind down from the daily grind.

I am not “working around it”. I’m not getting my HOA out of the bank and grinding azerite gear to “work around” their dumb decisions. The devs can “disagree”…that’s fine, I disagree with resubbing. I am not playing a game that is in such a bad state. I am ABSOLUTELY willing to quit over this, and I’m putting my money where my mouth is in ~12 days (when my time runs out) if changes are not made.

Maybe once they lose a large percentage of their subs over this they will change their tune. Or they will double down while the game dies.

I will be playing for 12 more days. If, during that time, this hasn’t been addressed with AT LEAST acknowledgement of the problem and at least some work to address it, I will not be resubbing. And I will not return unless everything (not just scaling, but all of the horrible bugs) is fixed.

If the answer is “it is what it is”, then I simply will not be playing anymore. It’s not negotiable. They lied to us about the level squish. Returning again AFTER I leave will have quite a bit of inertia to it as well, it will be much easier to keep me than get me to come back again, I’ll just say that.

The white knights can keep white knighting. They can keep white knighting and kissing butt while the subs drop below the BFA low point and keep dropping. LOL. I won’t be here to see that though. They are already noticeably dropping…both of the servers I play on (one alliance, one horde) have gone from medium to low in the past month.


I wish I could understand you metro. When it appears you see things from the other side one day, it’s totally the opposite the next. Did you forget the 173k damage you took during your M Goroth logs?