DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

All they had to do was not buff it to keep players from running it anymore.

During wod I was able to solo cata raids on every 100 of mine.

When devs create impediments to keep people from playing their favorite content, the players “fix” it by finding a game where the devs don’t hate their playerbase and then try to send players who don’t even understand the issues to gaslight them.

Why are you even posting in this thread if you haven’t bothered to understand what the issues are?


It’s like they thought “if we make old content much harder, then people will spend more time in current content and we’ll get that sweet time played metric”, not realizing a LOT of people will just quit instead.

I’ll happily do current content, if it means when I’m done I can go back and smash older content to wind down.

If old content is hard enough to require a group, then we should get current rewards for doing it, and we should be able to queue for it (like timewalking).


It is exactly this. That people will level up their army of alts they use to farm this content to max, and put them all into mythic raiding so they’ll eventually have the gear to be able to solo some of it.

Right, but its a problem you can solve, so you should expect to do that.
Again, this is a lesson you should learn for elsewhere, even outside the game.

Not everything is going to go exactly as you like it all the time, and you will have to adapt. That’s why I’m playing a Blood DK right now.
I hated what they did to Holy Paladin after 12 years of playing it. I could have sat here and felt sorry for myself and made threads over it, but I just eventually solved my own problem and am loving everyone minute of it now.

I will keep it simple.


If they did things before like old content without doing what’s mentioned above but now can’t because of the squish and false information Blizzard presented. There fore your solution about gearing up is not an option and SHOULD NOT HAVE TO BE as it was not needed before the squish.

Everyone has different things they enjoy doing in game. When I am deployed my internet is bad, that means I am unable to usually do raids, dungs, bgs and what not, but what I can do is play solo, level toons, run old raids, and farm. I have deployed 4 times during the WoW years and that is what kept me busy. If I was deployed now then there would be ZERO reason to play.


You mean, when your boss makes your job impossible to do, and treats you like a child, you should solve that problem so you can continue to be his doormat?


It’s been told to you several times already, but let’s try one more time.

The core issue is that we were promised player power would not be affected by the level squish.

…that we would be able to solo all content we could solo before at 120, the same way at 50.

This is not the case.

Even worse, some content that is now TWO expansions old, that some folks could solo at 50, is still (or even more) difficult to solo even at 60!

This. Should. Not. Be. The. Case.

It has NOT been the case for over a decade. Obviously the level squish messed all the scaling and legacy scaling up, and some things are much more overtuned now then they should be for two or more expansions ago.

“get more players” and “put on your BFA gear” are NOT acceptable answers. Neither of those should be necessary for content more than ten levels below current.

Some folks, depending on class, spec, and skill, can still go back and solo the things they could before. The issue is it is MUCH more difficult than it has always been in the past when we advance to the next level bracket.

Obviously some people (perhaps yourself included) are perfectly OK with this. Many more, I think, are not. They would like to see things continue to function as they have for many years now.

If this is the new “working as intended”, well then it sucks.

Is it starting to get through yet? Haha?


You should always pursue success in whatever way you think is best.
I have found that blaming others is just a path to failure.
I don’t quite understand the analogy there, but in that case, I would be discussing that with the boss, not talking about it on a forum.

Metro doesn’t do old content. He doesn’t play alts and doesn’t understand how and why people play them. He has told us in the past that he thinks anybody who doesn’t play an alt to his satisfaction for a period of 2 weeks should have that alt automatically and permanently deleted.

I don’t know why this guy still has green text. He gives all greens a bad name.

Old raids have been rescaled to make them much harder. Go back and run old dungeons to see how farmable the content should be.


Man, I wish you were in the military. I take your full time job is gaming and youtube correct and have not worked true career jobs?

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A masochist that proselytizes that we should all be masochistic enough to accept that no bar is too low. Sweet.

You should stop posting now before you dig yourself in even deeper.


I’ll provide a real world analogy.

“HR is just changing job codes, it will look different but pay will be the same.”
Next paycheck is $200 less.
“Oh that’s working as intended, just deal with it and make it work.”


no you understand it just fine your just pretending to be obtuse.


I can absolutely ask for help to finish the content I was able to finish alone a year ago, it feels pretty bad though. I usually do old content when I need some alone time you know? I’m willing to bet that there are more people who really enjoy the power fantasy part where they go back and crush content they once struggled with. If you can’t relate that’s cool but at least try to understand why people are bit bitter over this.


fix legion raids

what other examples do they need? they have hundreds of threads with thousands of replies on what, why and how


No because much of this is either not the truth or doesn’t make any actual sense.

That was discussed with the prepatch, and its obvious they were wrong, or lied or something. I am not sure which, but that was a LONG time ago.
Really, its time to move on from that.
Worry about the reality of today, not what you wish you had.

Its because you haven’t gained that much power since then, right?
I mean I’m still seeing players struggling to summit prepatch dps numbers.
Why is that surprising to anyone?

Maybe not, but it is the way it is now, so what are you goals here?
Literally force the company to make the game the way you want?

Why not though? it absolutely IS an answer.
Especially putting the neck on?
Why would you NOT want to make your life easier by putting that on?
its such a boon, and they intentionally left it active for this specific reason.
Its really quite silly to hold this position at all.

It is not for me.
It was MUCH harder in the prepatch for me. I was nearly unable to solo any of Tomb, which I had been farming for months prior for the purple paladin transmog.
Now, at 60, I can EASILY do it. Over 1/3rd of the damage the bosses do missed me entirely.

I am not okay or not okay with this. It literally doesn’t matter to me. Its already easy, and if it was an issue for me, I would just ask a friend to help as I did in prepatch.
This is trivially easy raid content that was never designed to be soloed specifically.
I would never expect it to be one shot this soon, especially after the changes to leveling and how the world scales now.

I get it, but its been months now right?
When is it going to change from “it sucks, change it” to “okay, how can I prevent this from stopping me?”

The ultimate issue for me is that everyone seems to be complaining about different things.

Some say they don’t even care about transmog!

I can understand it fine. I just can’t understand why people aren’t interested in fixing it themselves.
Its just too easy of a solution for this sort of discourse on.

i can’t do any bosses that induce seizures. i have epilepsy.

well first they can change the legacy buff from 11 levels to 6 levels. since thats probably why its busted in the first place


Nope, just lost my job due to covid cutbacks and had to make it work. I always wanted to be able to do youtube full time, but now I am forced to.