DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

You’re extremely rude. You need to be stripped of your green text.


I dont care about e sports. doesn’t matter, you willing and openly admitted to exploiting and I find it quite ironic you talking about ToS when you don’t even abide by it.


If you have a look at the necrotic wake key today you will have a better understanding of the situation.

For now, let’s focus on this topic please.

Should not have to, no matter what a 2 years old raid should a be a breeze. No challenge what so ever.


Right, but the game developers disagree so we work around the reality we have in front of us.

Did we have HoA during WoD? What was the player power then? I ran cata very easy/ In Legion we have legendary but mine was barley worked on and was running MoP raids with zero issues. In BFA before anything was done with my HoA, maybe lvl 5 then, I was running WoD raid, very easy. Now I have decently geared toon with quite a bit of the player power (hate player power systems) allowed in this exp yet not having a decent time.

What changed, why now all of a sudden that MANY, and I mean many are having the same issue. Why question is to you why are you in such a defense of players going back and being able to breeze through old content?

to add to that I have been wanting a certain developer to be removed/fired since Cata. I hope it happens one day for the sake of taking the game back to where it was before his influence grew in Wrath.


I’m not. I don’t care about this content at all.
Just trying to help people help themselves. You can make this content easier yourself.
You do not need blizzard to nerf it for you to complete it.

It’s a good lesson to learn with this game honestly.

They make odd decisions many times. Decisions you dislike especially.

But if you want to succeed you find a way to work around it.

That’s basically the whole game at this point right?

Hell that’s basically real life too half the time.

But you are defending them. I have shown you that this is the content I do, every expansion. I have never had to go back and use old systems to run old raids. But now you suggest that’s what I do. Why? If I never had to do before why now? I can solo the legion content with exception of a boss or 2 but why is it this expansion and only this expansion that 2 year old raids are proving to be far more challenging that anything in the past. Running old content is not about succeeding, succeeding is my guild beating 10/10 H CA. Running old content for a lot of us is fun and enjoyable. I don’t want to push myself in old content and I should not have to.

It’s little things like this that does make casual unsub as we see on the forums, some will not and many that don’t come to the forums have. I for one canceled mine, not just because of this but a few other things as well. If it was not for me raiding currently then I wouldn’t want to play as now for once I can’t do the thing I want to enjoy do without as you said “try to succeed”, no sorry, old content I want to enjoy and breeze through it. That is just me.


Okay, I stand corrected. But that makes it even worse. :crazy_face:

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I don’t know why now. All I know is it is best to solve your own problems instead of trying to convince the game to change.

It’s too easy to be this worried about it honestly.

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But do we stop caring?
Do we just throw our hands up in the air shout “Oh well!” and capitulate?

I think not. If it is important to us, we keep pushing for what we want.

Granted, I donʻt want to one shot things in BFA “Mythic plus whatever” the instant I turn 60, but iʻd like to have an easy time getting that leather Heroic raid set from a Legion Raid.


The problem is it never stops. Everyone wants everything to be easier and easier until you can’t possibly fail. This is very very bad for the game.

So instead of blizzard making things easier you should be seeking to do it yourself.

it’s 14 levels below us. 14. levels. we don’t want it to be easier - we want our power to mean something.

it’s an rpg. something below us shouldn’t be able to defeat us. that is how the genre is supposed to work.


But the content was designed for many people to tackle. If you had even half as many as was designed for you would never be in danger.

just like how in a classic jrpg, you need your full party to take on a boss at your level but by the time you outlevel that particular content, you will only need one.

you don’t have any argument to stand on.


Im sure not Everyone :stuck_out_tongue:

I donʻt mind failing if itʻs a me thing: Iʻm not doing mechanics properly. getting one shot by snails in Throne of thunder was a wake-up call lol

But if i am 20 levels over the content and its because i donʻt have enough health or DPS i scratch my head as to why exactly.

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There isn’t any argument for anyone. It can be soloed. I am just trying to help people realize that fact.

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and you know what? some of it can. most of it cannot, especially something that mythic eonar, mythic aggramar, and coven of shivvarra to name a few.

The real answer is how they compressed all the content and power.
But this is a topic that nerfs itself every time you get a new upgrade.

Just keep working on your character and you will not have any problems.

Or invite some one else and skip the wait.

Right, those are just mechanical issues. That has always been an issue. Bwl had that issue for like 10 years before they finally changed it