DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

Um…no, I’m not grouping up to run raids from 2 expansions ago, that’s preposterous. I will quit the game instead. I don’t have any friends that play anymore anyway.


They jacked up the scaling just like people said they would, back when they were telling the outright lie that “You will be able to solo everything at 60 that you did at 120.” And “The squish is just a number.” Many of us knew then it was a lie and it is still a lie now. Everyone who defended and believed Ion got exactly what they deserved and the current reality of Legacy content being jacked and them refusing to fix it.


It’s not that crazy, in Cata it still took 2 or more people to kill some of the bosses in BC raids. I agree it gets to the point though where being able to solo it should be obviously easy.

The only time this is remotely acceptable is when it’s not because of damage or health pools, but because of mechanics. For example, Galakras was not soloable until they changed it, because it was physically impossible for one person to be on two towers at the same time. If things like that were the only problems we were having…yeah I understand that, they aren’t always going to immediately go back and change bosses. But, that’s NOT what’s happening here.

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He probably just made it up in the database. Probably never plays. Just modifies the spread sheet with a computer to make it look like he plays.

LOL Elitist Jerks. Why am I not surprised… as he caters to the 1%…


It was 50, not 60 - just throwing that out there :wink:

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Yep, because at 50, everything should’ve been exactly equal to 120 (minus corruption of course). Because 50 was the new 120. That’s what they said. And, in fact, that’s how previous ilvl squishes worked after they got the bugs worked out.

All they’d have to do is admit it’s broken. That’s all it would take to keep me from quitting. Just own up to the fact that they broke the game, and it’s being worked on. Even if it’s not fixed immediately (though it should be fixed ASAP).


wait… your a green name/ community vip or (whatever) , sorry new to using forums… and you still don’t comprehend how much harder it’s gotten to solo old content? You must’ve not spent a lot of time in legion content this xpac if your totally clueless about it js


I have already posted logs disputing this.
Sadly it seems like a lot of people just wishing the game was easier than it is.

Now you can debate why it isn’t easier, but it isn’t. And the content is still fully doable regardless of that fact.

The fact that I posted about the neck and got all those responses is all you need to see there, in my eyes.

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Sadly if you look at the log I posited back then you will see it is not.
I can’t even imagine how easy it would be by now.

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You hadn’t thought about the fact that going in as a Blood DK would make soloing things easier for you?

How tf did you get MVP status? You are extremely argumentative, blindly support Blizzard regardless of their faults (which in this case is a very serious issue to many players) and clearly have no idea how your own class works.

You’re like the “rent free” girl on tiktok. I just want you to go away.


That will not be happening, sorry. Do be aware though that telling people to go away is a big violation of the terms of service around the forums.

Let’s stick to the topic for now, shall we?

I did not realize it because it was a complete joke. Like, I literally took zero damage.

And that was what 3 or 4 weeks ago now?

When you see the boss missing 39 percent of its damage you start to wonder what the actual issue is haha

I wouldn’t be the one to talk about ToS…Mr Exploiter.


Oh cool, now an MVP is threatening forum posters. LOL you are a joke. I’m reporting you, and will report everything you post from now on.


Have you seen the mdi today?

So we won’t be discussing the topic then?

Maybe this will help as this is my main enjoyment of the past few expansions. Say when I lvled my character in BFA, I dinged lvl 120 and barley had WQ gear. No corruption and the azerite pieces I did have were not optimal. Yet I could go into WoD mythic raids and hardly have any issues, some bosses did take a little longer than others but never once did I feel I was going to die as it just seemed I wasn’t taken dmg.

No you take my characters at 60 now. There are bosses I just cant beat, don’t know why but I just can’t do it. My ilvl on my guy are shaman 205, druid 198, hunter 194 and this guy which I believe is like 188 or something. The shaman is in normal raid tier gear and the boomkin is decently geared.

These toons are far better geared than my fresh 120’s where in BFA as more work has been put in them. Yet why are bosses from 2 year old raids so difficult. Not all of them mind you, but some are still just way to strong.


Don’t you get the MVP status for being a brown nose?


Brown nosing is one thing - this guy is just straight up bullying people. He needs to be removed from MVP immediately. Report his posts. I have never seen an MVP so universally unliked.


Have you tried using the heart of azeroth and other bfa power?

The problem with this is I did try to solo hfc at the start of bfa and I could not get far at all. Now I can do everything that is mechanically possible. It Just takes pretty long for whatever reason.