DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

I hope this is sarcasm.

Some people just don’t care what their gear looks like. And that’s ok. As long as they acknowledge that there ARE people who care about it. I’m not much into transmog myself, though there are items here and there that I really like.

Whole lot of posts for a 2 expansion old expansion. We should literally trounce the raid with zero effort in quest greens with any class.

Why is there so much arguing about this?


We should be able to trounce all Legion content the minute we hit 60 - no gear grinding required. ALL OF US - not just the Blood DK with the insane healing.

If the scaling is not fixed by the time I finish leveling all my toons, I’m cutting my sub. My intent was to go back and get all the items I didn’t get in previous expansions either 'cause I skipped them or 'cause it didn’t drop for me. If I can’t do that, I’m not going to bother doing anything else.

It’s ri-damn-diculous that I can’t one-shot nearly everything from 2 x-pacs ago. Fix it. Believe it or not (obviously not), hardcore raiders are not the only player demographic and they’re a relatively small group compared to the rest of us. Our money is as good as theirs, ION. Fix it.


This still hasn’t been addressed? No shock there.

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Until I hear or read news that Mythic Antorus is solable for all players and classes, I am not buying Shadowlands. If it is only soloable in patch 9.3 with heroic raiding gear, that is not good enough.


The confusion is yours. And the lying.


The scaling buff for legacy raids/dungeons is a simple multiplier that increases per expansion. The Legion scaling buff is 8x, so you take 1/8 the damage, and do 8 times the damage. This is why it’s ridiculously easy on DKs and Prot Paladins. They have abilities (Leech from Voracious, Blood Plague, Avenger’s Shield talent absorb) that scale up their healing/absorbs from damage, so you’re taking 1/8 the damage, but doing 8 times the sustain as well.

The biggest problem I’ve had with these fights is they just go on for far too long. Classes with little to no leech/sustained healing like a Mage are near impossible. The easiest fix I can think of is either lower the health of everything like the demoralized debuff in the WoD Mythics, or increase the Legion scaling multiplier. It was bugged at 4x for a while, changing it to 8x didn’t feel that impactful. The entire purpose of the legacy buff is to make it so it isn’t required to tinker with every dang fight by hand.

Note that this is primarily a problem for Mythics. The health jump is absurd from Heroic to Mythic, possibly due to Heroic scaling to 10 minimum and Mythic being enforced 20 man?

Heroic Goroth has about 1 million HP heroic. Mythic triples that to 3 million. Fighting Mythic Goroth is essentially having eat through 375,000 health after accounting for the legacy buff. Heaven help you if you try to kill the infernals he summons too, they have 300k each. This is after a numbers squish where some people are doing 3k single target. Most of these bosses have mechanics specifically built so when the content was current guilds wouldn’t have some cheesy 1-tank strat, or it was a punishing pass/fail, thus mechanics like Goroth’s 300% damage taken increase.

Also to note that bosses do not follow the outleveled hit/miss table, and debuffs won’t miss. So the infernals, while being a danged seizure hazard, do near to nothing, but bosses will always hit you with spells and un-parried/dodged attacks.


Ion talks and talks and talks and says nothing


I haven’t tested it out because I don’t have a lvl 60 but I think they are still using 11lvls to determine what is legacy content and with the squish it really should be only 5 lvls. It could be something to do with the legacy buff you get at that level as well but the buff appears to work okay for a lvl 50 doing draenor content.

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I still have difficulties to kill Mechagon rares. so long it takes. I don’t understand why my gear scaling so bad when I can kill elite 60 lvl faster than elite 50 level in old content.

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Yep. There is no confusion. Ion said something. What he said is not true. Objectively. My time is up in 12 days, I will not be getting more until/unless all of this is fixed.


Oh look, someone else that didn’t read the thread, and has no idea what the issue is, and just make snarky comments. Welcome to ignore. Enjoy your dead game.


Aren’t you just a bowl of sunshine!


My god, can you be any more disconnected from reality than to say something like this, on a game where transmogging is a huge selling point to many longtime players?


I don’t think they even read the thread or have any idea what the issue is. I think they just wanted to go on a stockholm syndrome white knight tirade.


Blizzard Two : Well employee #279 says they can solo it with a blood dk.
Blizzard Three: Sounds good to me.
/stamps balanced on the tpc cover sheet.
Blizzard One: Now wait a minute! Hold on there! Who took the poppy seed muffin?! I swear…


The actual problem you have is that you can’t solo it.

Team up with a couple people on different gear tables? Temporary solution but we used to do that all the time back in Cataclysm.

I doubt this.

Youre mother language must be English, better grammar than me

Also blizz fix legacy content