DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

What would be stopping you from doing so?
Just bad luck or something?

What exactly are you going to do about it as a volunteer when the actual dev team is incapable/unwilling to do anything about it?

The fact that because i can’t 1shot things i can’t even attempt eonar. It was extremely grindy getting through Garothi, Hounds, hell Hasabel took like 8 minutes. But Eonar was actually impossible because i can’t even kill a single wave before it makes it to the center let alone kill it in time to make it back and kill the reaver shooting at Eonar.

It’s like the hellfire citadel problem from the start of battle for azeroth after the legacy scaling was fixed: classes that couldn’t move fast enough with enough range couldn’t get through Hellfire Assault because the mobs would kill the cannons before you could 1shot them. Except that i can’t even 1shot the mobs on Eonar.


As much as I feel for you, this is a subject that is already being beaten to death. Have patience, it’ll be fixed. Eventually.

I already did what I planned to do. I linked to a post I made in another thread with logs and other evidence to consider. Have a look!

Okay, but I had the full transmog in Legion.
You don’t need to solo the raid to get loot from it.

i have enjoyed going back and doing a few old raids, so i feel your pain. on the other hand, i always thought it was odd that peeps can solo old raids. i know it’s a pain, but if you can get a group of three people all with different armor types, you can feed each other the armor drops and actually save time that way, if you are farming mogs.

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You forget that the HoA was a TON of passives tied to it from essences while you’re random SL neck piece doesn’t.

I have the warrior set from antorus. And cutting edge from antorus. Don’t even start.


Haven’t blizzard openly lied before? …

Is this how you get to be a green poster ? Forgetting and handwaving?


What examples can you give?
I can think of a few topics that haven’t worked out how they wanted, but I have never felt like they were straight up misleading the community, as this poster is seemingly suggesting.

This is a pretty clear cut thing.
The poster is saying there is no legacy damage buff, and development is saying there is and any issue would need to be a specific problem with a specific boss to be addressed.

Trying to say those words are false is a big hill to climb.

Don’t even start what?
Suggesting you can complete the content you are upset you can’t complete?

Why does no one ever want to solve their own problems?

I do want to solve my own problems. THAT’S PRECISELY THE PROBLEM. You want me to invite other people who will take my transmog. ASSUMING THAT OTHER PEOPLE WANT TO COMPLETE 3 YEAR OLD CONTENT AS INTENDED.

No, its old. Let us solo it stop holding it up on a pedestal.


Invite a non DK if you are concerned with this.

Follow the precedent and let us solo it.


They never made it not soloable.
They just haven’t made the adjustments to boss mechanics yet to make it much easier for a single person.

I am unsure what the hold up would be there, but I imagine discussing that specifically would be far more productive.

I am sure the first major patch would feature much of this type of change though either way.

I thought they fixed that?
I was able to solo ToS normal with my eyes closed with resto druid until SL prepatch dropped, then I couldnt pass the first boss. Couldnt even scratched the thing.
One thing for sure…bliz LIED when they said it would be the same as it was before.


Evidently thats the key…

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Yeah, I guarantee that NOONE is making groups to do Legion content. That is just NOT happening.

Now…the odd boss here and there that has mechanics that are just not possible to solo (Galakras comes to mind…before changes were made he couldn’t be soloed because a solo player could not be on both towers at the same time) - I won’t get too bent out of shape if there are things like that lurking around that just haven’t been changed/fixed.

But that’s not what the issue is. There is something HORRIBLY wrong with the scaling, where you get weaker in old content as you level, and it becomes harder to do level 45-50 content at 60 than it is at 50. That is just plain broken, and should not ever happen under any circumstances.

Now, when you get to 60 and don’t have a lot of gear yet…I can understand combat “feeling” slower, just because you don’t have the haste and crit you’re used to at the end of the expansion…fine. But you should still be doing FAR more DPS at 60, even in quest greens, than you ever did at 50, even if it subjectively “feels” slower due to haste/crit.

If they don’t fix this, subscriptions are going to fall off a cliff so hard it will make BFA look like a runaway success. WOW’s longevity at this point is almost exclusively due to having so much old content that can be solo farmed for various collectables. Try to take that away to funnel everyone into the current expansion endgame treadmill…and yeah, numbers will drop to below BFA’s lowest within months (sub-million for sure, probably sub-500,000).

The playerbase making such extensive use of old content should be seen as a GOOD thing. It keeps people playing. It keeps all the effort spent making it from going to waste (since Blizzard likes to dump everything but the current patch). This needs to be HIGH priority to fix. I would place it directly underneath covenant/class balance.


Omg, I am judging him so hard right now. Absolutely hideous. If this was high school I’d ruin him for that outfit.

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