DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

This game has to reset everyones toon somehow every expansion. Otherwise you’d have these ancient godlike players who started playing first when Wow began. Clearly, they can’t just be killed off, because we’re constantly resurrecting. Maybe WoW could put a time limit on how long you can play one toon and then make it really die when it reaches peak skill or when a new expansion comes out so you are forced to start another one. As a player who has gone through all the expansions I now just don’t care at all about getting to end game or doing difficult challenges for high end gear because it’s taken away when a new expansion comes around. The carrot is trying to just get to a level where you can play decently without it feeling terribly clunky and off.


I haven’t raided since TBC. It’s not something I care about. I came back for SL and while waiting for prepatch I took my shaman to 110 because I didn’t have BFA. But I was introduced to a whole new game play of tmog and mount farming. I’ve missed 7 years of content I was really enjoying farming through.
Prepatch launch was unplayable for me do to character not found goodness. So I rolled a new main on a new server and wound up taking him to 60 in SL. But after 40+ hours of SL story. I haven’t been back in a month. I went back to old content to unlock Ally races and get my legion class mount. While I was in Argus I did try the raid to complete a few questlines I had there…however I only got through to the 2nd boss before giving up. I was only lvl 52 or so at the time but I had ilvl 100 gear from event.
Debating really hard on quitting wow again.
Alting and soloing is my playstyle. Really sick of all borrowed power systems that turns me away from the newest content. I felt then game took a nosedive once I hit 60. So it’s very disappointing to hear about 50% of my preferred playstyle is unplayable.
WoW has the most beautiful zones and loads to do. But it’s sad devs only design for raiders.
Didn’t Wildstar do a belly flop for only designing raid content? If only Blizzard could retain player numbers because their game was fun and not have to rely on tricking them into timegated borrowed power systems.


I think they hope we’ll just forget their was old content, just like how we are suppose to forget ‘our history’!


I live for old content. It is more important to me by far than new content. I think it has come to their attention that there are many like me and this is meant to discourage old content and force us into new. My suspicion is they are in danger of losing development budget if more people don’t jump on their treadmill for endgame.


We really need a lead dev that actually plays the game the way the average WoW player does, so they can understand what the majority want in this game, not just the 1% of the most hardcore of hardcore.


I sort of had a bad feeling this was going to happen, just based on Blizzard’s track record with these sorts of things. As I’ve said, they always (figuratively speaking) round down, never up.

I’m so busy with the new stuff, it’s crazy but I know for some of you transmog is your game, so if you haven’t before check out WoW Secret Finding discord - they do transmog hunts!

I so very agree! I paid for the older content …yet it is being made unavailable and ‘deleted’ for my later characters to experience and even just running old content for what ever reason you want to. This USE to be the case.


This may very well be the most terrifying post on the forums. If only for the sheer implications of developmental disconnection that it means.


That is literally the dumbest idea I have ever had the misfortune of reading. Why? Why do you hate life?


How did you get past the first boss of Emerald Nightmare without dying to stacks?

Edit: Tried her again and the debuff damage is greatly reduced now. Glad for that. It was one-shotting me at 10 stacks before, but not anymore.

Stop being a disingenuous liar. The legacy scaling buff isn’t active in legion content so instead of 1-2 shotting everything we are barely stronger at all there.


It absolutely is though. I proved that with the logs I posted.
I am doing almost 10x more damage in there than I am out in the world, and the mobs have about a 20-40 percent miss chance.

That’s the normal unscaled amount you should be doing to mobs that much lower level than you (hint no world scaling) Not the legacy scaled version that we see when we hit old expansion raids that was implemented because the squish breaks the normal scaling.


You’re forgetting HOA also gives you stamina buffs.

Is it?
From what I have tested, it appears the strength of the extra damage is based on the level of the mob. Or more so, the difference in level between us.

I think throwing around the word “scaling” so much just creates confusion.

All I know is, I am doing a TON more damage in raids, but the bosses just still have a lot of health relative to how much I am doing.

Either way, do you think what I am saying is more likely to be correct, or do you think its more likely that some how they have completely forgotten to do something, AND are publicly lying about it?

I know everyone hates the people who make this game for whatever reasons, but I have trouble believing that.

As a benchmark, I was able to complete Emerald Nightmare Mythic relatively easy now. Ursoc got a little hairy and it was funny fighting Xavius while in total darkness.

Mythic Nighthold Gul Dan is not, myself and a friend so 2 of us fought him wiped 5 times before we finally got him down. im ilvl 166 my friend ilvl 189


Sounds like DH need a nerf!

Nerf DH!

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Considering that’s what Ion has done yes that’s very likely.

I’m normally completely ambivalent. But i’ve waited 3 years to be able to complete my DK mog from antorus. I’m tired of waiting.


I award you no points. Feel free to google the rest of that 25 or so seconds which would have been my full response if I wasn’t such a nice, polite person.

However - feel free to delete your characters at the beginning of each new expansion though. :slight_smile: