DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

didnt know staples sold games.

They used to, and they always had bargain bins. Some good, some bad for sure. Bough the Stronghold pack there once.

What if that is his mog does it make it worse.

You would wouldn’t you? They record everything, so they know all those trying to solo the past fun content.

That is why they gate it behind Shadowland end game now. They want us to raid in SL in order to get gear good enough to solo 4 year old content.

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I dont mind gathering 2-3 people to run old world content problem is its hard to find them. Like I wanna run Uldir & Nyalotha.

Everyone else: no thx

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I’m going to have to agree with this. If they want them to be difficult, at least make them drop Mythic dungeon level gear (you can do all of them with at least 5 people).

This truly has been the WORST squish ever in wow. The scaling is so messed up. It could be the narrative being pushed across the world … everything is relative… there is no history and no truth. I personally despise it.


huh… legion content is legacy. Yesterday we did Antorus the Burning throne, killing bosses in seconds. So… idk what to tell you? get good? it is legacy scaled, you do tons of damage. What’s the issue?

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what’s weird about that is … nyalotha is easier than BoD. I can tank attacks from nyalotha bosses like nothing, eat the beams from Xanesh Azshara pain, dance in the purple fire of vexxiona or tank the “insta kill” of Amut… but I can’t do enough damage to kill them before enrage takes on. I mean 3M hp isn’t much at all, but when my DPS is 2.5k, it’ll take 20 minutes, and enrage kicks at 10 so, I die

but in BoD, way before enrage, trash minions can kill you, massive damage, the strongmans flat out one shot you, Mekkatorque is a pug killer i haven’t been able to go through (you need people are people are dumb asf, can’t bother doing robot colors), can’t go beyond the 1st boss bc of the stacks and having more hp than my DPS allows.
I mean, 5k DPS constant is quite a lot, and you’ll need to sustain that for 10 minutes to not yet kill a a boss in mythic BoD, which is supposed to be ilvl415 or lv65


yeah they broke legion and dont seem to care , health scaling is so messed up.


legion isnt legacy buffed as it should be

what is there to not understand?


It is legacy buffed, not to millions like WoD where a dot tick kills a raid boss, but you don’t die unless you jump off a cliff, and do massive damage to the boss, allowing a kill way before enrage timer.

The health tho, that’s out of proportion. Mytic first boss of Antorus has 4.3M hp, that’s like a raid boss of today, although the damage is also ramped up so you can kill it solo in over a minute. And to die? huh, that’s hard, hard to actually die, things don’t do damage, bosses miss all attacks.

Oh, that’s good to know. I just did Mythic Nighthold on disc priest, and I was topping 20k DPS. I was worried it was just from legacy buff, but I’m glad to learn that my priest got 10x more powerful overnight!

That renown level 36.

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wod is legacy buffed

its not millions

bosses die easily because they should

legion raids i do tiny dam

bosses live forever and tons i cannot even come close to solo’ing



I just went through trying to solo mythic nighthold on this character. I wasn’t able to finish it, it was much more difficult than it shoukd be. Legion stuff shoukd melt, it dosen’t this is a huge problem im in the exact same spot I was in BFA, thats the problem.

The gaslighting from Ion is real, doing old content is how I play the game. I can only do lfr for current endgame. 2 xoacs back has always (until now) been trivial 1 xpac back is difficult and usually requires groups. This has changed and the devs are trying to say it hasn’t, which is why this is heating up the community. They are trying to tell us what we KNOW is wrong. Its really sad.


Sorry I meant this character not much but slightly better

My op is they squished us because of the HUGE numbers that would have happened in Torghast at the end of Twisting Corridors.
That and the backwards scaling have really messed up past content which we should be gods in.


They don’t want you doing the old content. That’s why they left all the old content Broken.

The developers thoughts are, be in Shadowlands to protect our jobs or get lost. Pretty much that’s the straight goods on it, otherwise someone out of Blizzard would have addressed this even in a blue post.

They DON’T want you in old content, that won’t save their jobs; period. Eventually when enough people have unsubscribed they will deal with it, it will be a knee jerk throw a quick patch or fix together. Until then your going to be stuck with broken content.

/#Stay Safe, Stay Healthy.