DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

Legion raid transmogs were never intended to be a prestige item available only to Ion’s chosen. I guess I would qualify as “any joe shmoe”, given that I ran Antorus weekly on dozens of 110’s during the first half of BfA and got just about everything that drops but the ugly last mount.

That was working as intended, regardless of what Mr. Gaslighting thinks his point is.


legion was 4 yrs ago…


if you think being able solo a 4 year old raid makes you elite…just wow. by that standard i should be considered elite for being able to solo mythic hellfire citadel. the very concept is laughable.


At times I’ve wondered if Blizzard is recruiting people to post stuff like that in these threads to try to “discredit” them. But I actually doubt it, as that would take effort. I think these people actually just have Stockholm Syndrome.


Ion and the other devs keep lying to our faces. First they said we could solo it after 10+1 levels higher, then they said don’t worry about the squish and we could solo old content, now they are saying it is our fault and we need better gear.


Yep…that’s why I stopped logging into the game after yesterday, and my time runs out Wed morning. I’m leaving. I MAY consider returning if all of this is fixed, but it’s not a guarantee. If they had fixed or acknowledged it before I left, I would’ve stayed, but it’s too late for that now. They will have to put a lot of effort into fixing things to get me back now.


Except blizz only fixes things far too late and barely enough to get it working again.

I use to be able to solo Antorus content on LFR and Normal Difficulty. My nephew who doesn’t Play WoW Wanted to give it a try so I let him raid that legacy content and he killed some of those bosses (with guidance of course :slight_smile: )

Old Content needs to stop scaling at full item level
Legacy content needs to not have the 10 char level difference to get the extra damage since they decided to squish and raise some of this old content to 50.

I want to farm these 2+ expansion things and feel like I am stronger than in BFA where I could almost solo a normal difficulty boss in Uldir. Now I cant hardly touch the first boss to Uldir.

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This is the reason I too unsubscribed. When, for whatever reason I was not having fun with the new content of any expansion I would go do old content. Now that is just as much a chore, if not undoable in some cases…

I have a few months left on my sub. I guess I’ll see what Bliz does.


As a prot war, i was not able to do it in BFA. Hunters should get a nerf: -40% !

Welp…this is near the end for me. My sub runs out at like 9:25 AM tomorrow morning (a couple hours later than I thought). I wake up and start work at 8, probably won’t have time to post at least not by then. Not that there would be any point anyway, nothing in the hotfix notes for today. So I guess this is it! See everyone around, maybe later in the expansion IF they ever fix this.


All bosses.

Welcome to “World of WoRkInG aS iNtEnDeD Craft”…


some of the legion raids are getting on to be 4 years old now, the absolute last tier raid would be 2.5-3years old. Thats not recent when you consider an expansion lasts only 2 years roughly. Its not last expansions content, its last last expansions content. What were you doing around 2018, its that long ago, or older.

I would struggle to even justify last expansions content as “recent” in terms of relevance. Sure BFA ended late last year, but its not being worked on, its not being tweaked or patched or balanced. Its abandonware essentially. Maintenance mode at best. But its still the expansion prior to current so its fair enough its not going to be soloable as thats how the legacy system was built when it was first released

except 99% of gear people would be wanting for transmog is bop from bosses, not the boes. And boe prices arent going down anytime soon. been a while i’ll admit but even years back greens were selling for up too 5 digit values so… yeah

“But muh greens are losssing value!!!”

You’re spot on. Nobody really cares about BOEs unless they’re trying to up their ATT percentage. It’s boss kills that people care about, unless there’s a mystical BOE mount that drops from raids that I’m unaware of.

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Anyone tried to solo bfa mythic dungeons yet? I still need the kings rest mount.

Just because you can’t solo boss as WARLOCK literally 3x shot chaos bolt could do… doesn’t means to tell others " get off forums ". You get off computer and go back to school to get education.

Ty Vralok for sharing your experiences. Sadly, I’m still here with a sub that I put on after newyears… It runs out March 4th I think. I’ll be spending the entire month it seems logging on once a week for an hour each week to do renown, and being a forum user.

I’m really disappointed in where Blizzard took this game. WoW really made them as successful as they are… to do this to it… is flat out idiotic. WoW now feels like a cheap knock off WoW that was made in China somewhere. It feels like cheap plastic, that breaks when you use it too much, and there is no refund. Like a dollar bargain bin game you find in Staples 10 years after it was released.


It has something to do with allied races or pathfinder. Even if they are not directly tied together, the idea/attitude is likely the same, imo. Maybe the coding is different somehow.