DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

metro is still here. how sad.


They want you to buy the expansion.

Buying the expansion and levelling to 60 makes it worse. 60’s can’t do anything in BFA.


Are legion raids soloable yet?

Some classes can solo some things on lower difficulties…mythic is out of the question. LFR is mostly doable but even there some fights get really hairy.

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Shouldn’t it be soloable now? I was waiting for some of those cool mogs, thinking one more expansion. Are they gonna stay that way or is it a problem to be fixed later down the road?


At this point, who knows. They haven’t even acknowledged that it is an issue, and a LOT of us are leaving because of it. I will not be coming back unless these issues are addressed.

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Every single Legion should absolutely be soloable at the mythic level.

According to Blizzard’s last response it’s “working as intended”. Basically telling mog hunters to shove off.


And we are, we’re quitting and hitting them right in the wallet. It’s what they must want after all. I’m not even a serious mog hunter, I just enjoy doing older raids.


Euh, is there something I am missing ? Legion raids are still recent content. I don’t think it’s reasonnable to ask to be able to solo them. The transmogs there are really nice looking ( expecially the mythic ones ) so they should not be easy to obtain.

If you were unable to solo cataclysm I would understand your complain, but I think it is reasonnable to be able to solo WoD but not legion yet.

Yes, there is something you’re missing. Legion is considered legacy now, it has the legacy buff activated, and legacy loot mode, which means it should ABSOLUTELY be soloable. It is not “recent content”. It is 2 expansions old. By the end of BFA, quite a lot of Legion content was soloable. The fact that it is HARDER now than it was in BFA indicates that there is a severe issue.

You are objectively wrong.


Maybe in RF or normal, but mythic is reserved for the elites, shouldn’t be soloable until 3 expansions passed in my opinion. This was a content that required 25 players 2 expansions ago.

Here is how it should be ( for mythic ) :slight_smile:

Current : 25

1 exp. ago : 15

2 exp. ago : Around 5 would be reasonnable ( like a regular dungeons ).

Those mogs lose value quickly if any joe schmoe can get them…

The mechanic in coven in all difficulties that required the bosses to be kept apart was removed for the first half of BfA and brought back later.

Couldn’t solo LFR Aggramar since I couldn’t dps him down fast enough to avoid getting blown off the platform by his Flame Rend. This was on a Havoc DH, fairly fresh 60 so only 150 ilvl, but this is content from TWO EXPACS AGO. I shouldn’t require heroic gear to down him. Even when I could fel rush back to the platform from mid-air, the boss despawned.

Your opinion is noted; however there were some people who were soloing Legion mythics at the end of BFA. Now some of those people are reporting that it is more difficult to do them at 60 than it was at 50/120.

Corruptions notwithstanding, that is not how it has worked for a long time.

That is the issue at hand.


:roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

How asinine.


How is it any different than the masses of people saying that mage tower appearances shouldn’t come back because they lose value ?

Shouldn’t mythic mark the fact that you are better than others, and thus not being accessible to everyone ?

In my opinion Mythic should NEVER be soloable. They should be reserved for the elite of the elite ( and by the way I have none of those sets, so it’s not me saying I am better than others. I just want people that are to have a way of being recognized. )

Because being able to run for old expansion mythic mogs has always been a thing. The mage tower was advertised as a limited time event. You’re trying to compare apples to oranges here.

Current expansion? Yes. Old expansions that aren’t the current expansion? No.

Except they always have been.

For the CURRENT EXPANSION not the old expansions. This is the most asinine take I’ve seen in a long time.


Ok. Your opinion is noted again, yet based on precedent, it’s not how things work. That’s what people are upset about, regardless of how you happen to feel about it. Two expansions back has been how it’s worked for a very long time, even for Mythics.


You’re still wrong, objectively. It’s 2 expansions old. Content 2 expansions old has always been easily soloable. And it doesn’t matter what you think. HUGE numbers of people are quitting over this, so you can “disagree” and enjoy your dead game.