DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

Yeah…this is not an early access or a beta test (though it feels like it). I’m not getting paid to “fix the problem”. That’s their job.


They certainly did not come anywhere close to living up to the “Blizzard Polish” standard previously set.

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Ion spends his time playing other games, instead of focusing on the game he’s employed to “improve”


Blizzard Polish hasn’t been a thing for…quite a long time now, 8 years or so. It’s a myth. Blizzard is “rush it out the door, maybe fix it later if there’s time”.


That makes sense, given that they have a real knack for not fixing bugs in older content because it’s “irrelevant” or something to that effect. If I were in their shoes, I’d be embarrassed to leave bugs that are 4, 5, 6, 10 years old in the game as that just shows laziness and disregard for the game that people are paying to play.

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I like Scaling. To me made many things so fun.

Which boss specifically?

To be honest. I think its time the replaced ION. He has done nothing but gut this game and could care less what anyone else thinks about it. His attitude of grind grind grind and get nothing for it is laughable. Sorry ION but peeps don’t work like that. You don’t make peeps do boring stuff and get nothing for it. Truth be told, we pay to play. Most would like a reward for doing stuff, SL is grind dear and get nothing and like it attitude. After 14 years, time to say enough is enough


Ill give you and easy one, Falling Avatar and Kill’Jadaen. So ToS should be easy for you. Make sure ur solo, hell record it and ill sub to you

Kil’jaeden can’t be soloed, due to mechanics right?
I couldn’t do it in BFA either.

Honestly though, I have no real interest in doing this at this point.
Not sure why this thread got necroed in the first place either.

If you do, you can do it yourself and post the facts of why its impossible.

Yepk, it’s bad to the point of being unprofessional.

That’s not what this thread is about.

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I was not talking about the topic on its entirety only a reply to an individual

so uhm i can’t tell is this making jabs or is there a source for this?

so you have no interest in backing up your claim? don’t backpedal now. come on show us how it’s done.


Besides the log and video I posted a month ago?
No interest in this topic any further honestly.
Far bigger fish to fry for me right now.

I don’t always agree with you vs the game thats normal . But when in rl you are facing hard times i stand with you man , stay safe and be courageous my thoughts are with you .


Yeah, as much as we disagree on the game, I really hope nobody is wishing ill will on the guy as far as real-life is concerned (job, house etc.) Cancel culture is too toxic.


Welp…this is the end for me. Today is the first day I’m not going to log into the game anymore. Yesterday I finished the rest of what I wanted to accomplish in BFA (other than doing the raids which is near impossible as a 60 even in a group). The issues have gone unaddressed and unacknowledged. After doing the BFA stuff I had been doing SL stuff too, but I see no reason to log in and do Maw dailies and callings for 3 more days when I’m quitting anyway, so I’m done with the game for now.

At this point, to bring me back, it would take a solo queue LFR mode for BFA raids that a 60 at least has a chance to solo (not saying it should be easy since it’s just 1 expansion ago, but in BFA they did that for Legion and some folks could do it), along with fixed scaling, and a bunch of bug fixes.

My game time doesn’t run out until Wed morning, so I’ll be on the forums until then.


This is why I hate the squishes. Every single time there is a squish this happens. You’d think given that this is the third time we’ve had a squish they would have finally gotten it right but no. They failed. Again!


The first two squishes weren’t THIS bad. Sure there were bugs here and there, but they were mainly “this one mob is doing far more damage than it should” or “this boss has too much health”. Neither of the previous squishes had a severe across the board issue that affected everything below current level cap.