DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

Someone please explain to me how a mythic nighthold demon within can lay the smackdown on a ilvl 200 DK with BiS conduits and soulbinds, I’d really like to see the justification of a raid boss from 2 expansions ago being able to utterly destroy a character in current raid tier gear.


If you don’t care, stop posting please


Completing older raids/dungeons for transmog/mounts/titles/achievements has become a prominent activity for many players in the modern era. In my opinion it needs to be addressed by the next patch. Furthermore, Blizzard needs to be more sensitive to the significant portion of the community who enjoys older content when adjusting numbers in the years to come.

Levels needed to be squished, as did stats, but not at the cost of what has become a very big part of modern WoW (collecting).


Yep, I don’t care what the number next to my portrait says, as long as I am equally powerful in old content. Which means destroying everything up to Legion. And (currently) being equivalent to a 5-man group in BFA. Should be able to solo BFA normal dungeons by this point (not BFA raids yet).


I did care about the number (I wanted to get to lvl 200 one day), but I accepted the squish because Blizzard assured me power would remain the same.

Boy, was I dumb.

Well if it’s any consolation, they will be paying for it in sub losses.

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It’s no consolation, really. What I (and most of us, I bet) really want is for WoW to be a fun, engaging game again.


chromie time that was tuned twoards a threads of fate approach… except it would have you delve into the rais story ot possibly doing 5 man versions? would give you a quick run down of the main lore and chance at that nice legacy gear

What’s your advice for non tank/healing classes? Remember you took 173k damage during your M Goroth fight according to your own logs. Mages/rogues/etc. absolutely get trainwrecked by that.

No clue, I don’t play any of those atm.
Perhaps conduits or even essences that help with healing?
Also keep in mind I have gained probably over 10 ilvls since I recorded that.
I should try again and compare honestly.

Went and solod Freehold Normal 2 times for about 128 gold, no boss drops. Then i Killed ONE boar in Maldraxxas and auctioned the meat for 128g… sad

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i also was against the level squish big time (had quit by then so didn’t post on the forums about it. know they would mess it up like they have EVERY OTHER SQUISH.)


I wasn’t against the concept of it…but I should’ve known they would screw it up bigtime.

i sure hope so.

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its not hard to level one up to 60. you just don’t want to because you KNOW it’s currently impossible to do mythic legion raids in them atm.

Yeah we need to get over the whole “you should fix your own problem” argument, we’re not paying box price + $15/month to be told we’re playing the game wrong after Blizzard developers completely broke precedent that they previously stated was not going to change.


Do the entire raid, don’t just stop. I want to you to do the entire raid solo

I have no interest in doing the raid. Was just doing it to show people the facts of what I was seeing.
You could do it, and show the logs if you are still concerned with this?

Kind of sort of reminds me of covid all of the politicians were like rahhhh shut everything down.

Heh that’s easy to say when you sit behind a six figure salary while people shut down lose theirs.

BTW I second this OP. Legion content should be soloable but for the mean time I’m just gonna pug someone to tmog run id say most of the content is doable with a buddy or two.


The facts are you stopped before the bosses a lot of players are speaking of. Prove us wrong, run the ENTIRE RAID. I can solo everything u did

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