DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

The game outright ENCOURAGES you to skip the HOA now. Look at all the posts on CS where people are trying to do BFA stuff, and are getting locked out of some questlines, because they don’t have the HOA, because the game doesn’t really direct you to it anymore. You CAN still get it of course but you have to know how to do it. And you can’t get it until 50.

All you need is the stamina nodes. It takes very very little time to get that, is what I am saying.
But I can see this isn’t a topic people are interested in improving themselves on so no worries.
Maybe Blizzard will help you, but if they don’t season 2 you will be much stonger.
The first season is usually pretty short too, so we are probably half way through it already.

And what do stamina nodes have to do with Legion bosses having (nearly) twice the health of some BOD mythic bosses? And DOT’s not being affected by the legacy buff and hitting for the full amount? This is not a “git gud” issue, it is ACTUALLY broken.

Oh, and don’t forget all the level 60 mobs in Mechagon and N’Zoth invasions that will eat a geared 60’s face in seconds.


You’re chatting with a brick wall


Oh I know…I’m not expecting to get through, but I still feel the need to debunk misinformation for everyone else’s benefit. For the remainder of my time here.


They should let us use anima powers to solo old raids xD

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Agree this is absolute rubbish, Ion even said Working as intended

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If this is indeed “working as intended”, then it is also “working as intended” that my money go to FFXIV instead. Sorry, my wallet was squished and just won’t open when I’m on the page for this game anymore. But that’s working as intended.

If I had stayed, I was maybe even going to level a couple allied races, get the heritage armor, and then race change a couple alts to take advantage of both the heritage armor and some racials. Won’t be happening now though. That money will be spent elsewhere.


i have 9 alts.

I have…significantly more than 9, lol.

This is one of the truest things I’ve seen posted. Just because a player has worked out a system that works for them doesn’t mean it can (or will) work for someone else. People need to figure it out for their own play style(s).

nah more like a brick concrete ceramic reinforced titanium wall.

Actually it has a LOT of room for opinion, that’s why there are so many posts and threads.

…and if you “literally” don’t care why are you even still posting about it?

Okay, okay, I get that you totally DON’T get it, at least from my point of view. I’ll just stop bothering to try to explain to you, we just agree to disagree.

i shouldn’t be expected to fix blizzard’s mistakes.

if you don’t care why are you here? obviously you do care.

I wasn’t really trying to defend what Blizzard did with legacy content. I was attempting to say that just because Metro can do something doesn’t mean everyone can. Even if he explains everything he did/does to solo old raids, it won’t really help me.

oh sorry i thought you were going with metros argument.

Only to the extent that he doesn’t have to explain how he can do it because that wouldn’t be any help to most people. Honestly, if I could play on Metro’s level, I wouldn’t need to do legacy stuff because I’d have already done it when it was new. But I don’t think I’m the only one who likes to go back and try to farm content I couldn’t really do before, and I think Blizzard should remember not all their players are (or want to be) leet.


Ya, best to do so. I only keep at it because people keep replying to me honestly.
I try read and reply to all comments.

I mean I don’t care about the content. I care about the thread of course!