DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

Yep, so it’s time to move to a game that doesn’t have vindictive developers that hate their players.


Wouldn’t it be nice to have them respond and say something like “Yeah, we didn’t intend for this but it is what it is.”

If you feel that way, it likely is for sure.
Not a healthy look at things.

What a silly argument. Content is 2 years old. Let people who probably never been in their farm some tmog/mounts.

There is really only 2 explanations

  1. they broke it and don’t know how to fix it
  2. they do t really care and its not a priority right now.

I would venture a guess that its #2.

Ps: no one likes the ol pull up your bootstraps reccomendation, because the content they want to do should not require bootstraps, or a weapon or any gear really.


That’s the line they can use on their bosses when the game drops sub million again. Oh well, I won’t be here to see it. ~12 days left.

It would be, but they would never do that.
Sadly, with how this community treats the game now, they would rather say nothing than admit they messed up.
I can understand it, from a business standpoint.

Wow man, I thought you were smart. Guess I was wrong.I do enjoy raiding and never said I didn’t, I said a lot of players. I have a great guild and love downing bosses with them and tbh could care less if I get loot or not cause it is just fun to raid with them.

If I was playing in WoD, and was lvl 100 and did not raid and was able to solo cata raids and did so in avg gear with ease and enjoyed it.

Then in legion, I ran MoP raids, in avg gear, with the legenadry upgraded to what most casuals were at and was able to do all of MoP raids very easy.

Then in BFA was able to run WoD raids, in decent gear nothing great as I quit and didn’t return until this summer, but breezed through them all.

But now it should be rinse and repeat, geared up a few guys and once again going back to to 2 expansions old content but having issues. A lot of bosses are doable but man, it is just so much harder than all the previous year I have been doing this. Why is it just so hard for you to believe?

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yeah i looked it up on wowhead and its been bugged since wod. apparently if you hit the drakes in front of the gun or sometimes he just bugs out and the cannon will end up in a position where you can’t hit him at all. the most i got was one hit on him.

Just go look at his channel, you can clearly see his outlook on players as plebs that are far below him. Heck he wants TFing back. While that’s his opinion and I respect his opinion, I just don’t respect him as a person who doesn’t respect how we feel about this problem. I hate to promote his channel but feel free to look him up

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I understand thee toxicity part, but this is still a game which has sub fees. Would be nice at least communicate bit more. Not everyone wants someone to get fired because something isn’t working. No one’s perfect and I believe most people playing this game know that, venting issues and frustrations without an honest response I suspect will likely lead to less success and I think the reason people speak out on these forums is because they are reaching their personal threshold and do care about the games health for personal and non personal reasons.

so your basically just whiteknighting for them. gotcha. are you going to form an opinion of your own or just repeat what blizzard says? cause that’s all you’ve done most of this thread is repeat what blizzard has stated.


No thanks. I’ll pass. I already avoid interacting with him as much as possible here. I would never subject myself to anymore than this.


why should i require an OLD OUTDATED item to farm outdated raids this is rediculous.

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Imagine you’re playing in Legion. And you can’t solo MOP raids without having a fully upgraded legendary ring from WOD. Wouldn’t that be the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever heard?

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This isn’t really a topic that has much room for opinion.
It is how it is, so no point denying that.
My opinion of this is that I literally don’t care, so no point to discuss that here.

Why would you not put an item on that is that strong?

You’re assuming someone played in BFA and has it at a high level, with a lot of good essences. What about someone who didn’t play during BFA and just returned, and isn’t dedicated enough to go back and farm BFA? The way the game is right now, you are ENCOURAGED to pretty much go right to SL the instant you hit 50 (and you can’t even get the HOA until you’re 50). You even get convenient neck drops to expedite it.

So you are required to get to 60, then go back and farm BFA, to do Legion raids. Got it.

You can get it VERY quick now. But ya, either way, if you don’t have it that would make sense why people are fighting with me about using it haha

It took me nearly a month of doing lots of WQ’s, doing all the questlines, and lots of dailies in Nazjatar and Mechagon, to get my HOA to the point where I considered it useful. I did it because I was going for Pathfinder. If Pathfinder hadn’t been there, I probably wouldn’t have bothered.

And that’s just for my main, what if I have an alt I want to run through Legion raids?

Holy sweet baby jesus you finally got it