DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

that’s like telling someone to go equip legion artifacts so they can solo wod mythic raids.


The solution is you getting more gear and putting the heart on.
As you do 10x more damage in the raid than you do outside, even a 1 percent dps increase is a much more substantial increase than you realize.

If it helped, why would that be an issue?

Who are you? Just running around gaslighting people that have valid problems with the game? Asking buddy to stay on topic then suggesting they just aren’t good enough? Come on


as a developer if your making a mmo you can disagree all you want but if you don’t have the sub numbers and sustained income to keep your game afloat you won’t have a job for long.

I am not a game developer, but I can assure you if this was causing issues for them financially they would address it right?
What you think they are completely unaware of their financial situation?

Well it is my position that this is not a valid problem with the game, just with their approach to the game.

I’m in my 50’s and I am also a watcher of your content and you might be close to 30. My shaman is ilvl 205, he can’t do all the bosses, sure some I have no issues with, yes they have a little more challenge than expected but sure, easily done. My druid is ilvl 198 and has an easier time than my Shaman but once again a few bosses can’t be done. This paladin is in the 180’s and when I run them as tank definitely easier due to my heals but dmg isn’t there.

Just go make a different spec and try. If you are clueless in understanding then we do not how else we can tell you. My buddy has a blood dk and he can do most the bosses also, but not all of them. I really wish you would go solo Antorus (spelling).

Then go make a post talking about how it’s not a problem then and stop gaslighting people sharing actual feedback. We are doing our best here, you’re absolutely hurting this post.

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I would, I just don’t have any reason to.
I wish you could instead just show me logs of you doing it so I can have a better look at what is causing issues for you.
somehow, this is a major issue for many people, but I have not seen any actual math demonstrating the issue directly.

yes it was designed for that…20 LEVELS AGO.

This really is not a great post sadly. There were many great ones, and they are actually linked at the start of this one.
I am only here again because some one necroed it from a month ago.

What I am doing it is trying to help people realize they can solve this problem themselves. I really don’t see that as an opinion at this point.
I know its not something people want to hear, but it is what they need to hear because this doesn’t seem to be changing.

I don’t have to show you logs and tbh don’t even ever look at them. Why can’t you just accept that I as well as many other notice something is not quite right and we all agree we should not have to go in our bank to get a HoA neck in order to run content that is 2 years old. In previous expansions we did not have to go back and get something in order to help us do it. No we only have to reach max level, get a little gear and it was doable.

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I’ve duo’d all of mythic Legion raids granted, you specifically need a DH to complete Fallen Avatar and Eonar, though it’s not technically required for Kil’jaedan.

There is a scaling, but it’s just not to the one-shot levels as stuff before it.

Silly player, playing a mage. Why would you do such a thing? Everyone knows you should ONLY play a blood DK. Back to mythic+ with you.

(Yes, that’s sarcasm.)

Is this not going to be addressed? Are these posts a waste?

This is getting silly now. Its a single item that dramatically increases your survival.
Why would you NOT put it on?
I can see why you don’t enjoy raiding haha…

i explicity warned this would happen on the old forums. but did blizzard listen. NOPE. doing too many squishes is like trying to squish down the garbage over and over and over to avoid taking it out. eventually you have to do it anyways. (the squishes were originally done because of engine limitations but instead of using a new engine like they are going to have to do eventually they stubbornly clung to a old 32bit one.)

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Seems so right?
Its been almost 3 months since launch and there has been zero interest in this topic from development, outside of a single comment in a player interview.

probably time to start looking at ways to solve this yourself, no?
Seems that way to me at least.

Or just wait until season 2 when the catch up gear is hugely powerful compared to where we are now.

Been wondering the same thing about this one for a loooooooooong time.

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