DISAPPOINTMENT: soloing old content

Ok, he is just trolling now. I normally don’t flag for anything but this is pointless I feel. Brother how did you ever get green text???


brown nosing goes a long way


Oh trust me, that I have never been good at haha.
But I am not digging myself deep or anything like that.
Just stating it how any objective person would see it.

I know you are connected to the transmog stuff, but people on the outside have trouble identifying this as a concern for development to solve, when there are MANY other much much bigger issues.

i’m sorry you failed english class. go back and reread the topic.

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But that’s it, this is minor and can easily be adjusted that would not affect current content. You really think you are being objective? I mean you really think you are?

The legacy buff is working in Legion raids, that’s a certainty.
it seems like its just not strong enough for some though, for whatever reason?

because they forgot about the 11 levels = trivial since they squished

this isn’t cataclysm.

I know I am. I have no dog in this race at all.
The only things I want from Legion raids I got last expansion or during Legion.

honestly i still find galakras impossible to do because for some reason the cannon refuses to work for me. and forget about me doing anything higher than normal the npcs die too fast.

I just mean he doesn’t even raid log either. I’m sure he let’s others do that.

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i feel in a very lucky position, i got all the mythic transmog collected during bfa. now there are next to no groups for legion raids, or are requiring one of each class due to legacy loot

See, things like pre-fix Galakras, I wouldn’t be complaining too much, I would just put it in bug reports. Because Galakras wasn’t a squish issue, or a scaling issue, it was simply mechanics, one player can’t be on two towers at once. If THOSE were the only issues we were having soloing old raids it’d be fine. But that’s obviously not the problem here.

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go ahead and try it as a mage i dare you.

But you really are not, take it from someone more than likely twice your age. What you are saying, maybe I am wrong, that players need to be more hardcore like yourself, go run current Heroic/Mythic raids, run +15’s and get as high gear as possible, then Legion will be easy. Yet people keep trying to explain to you that that was never necessary in the past, and a lot of players do not want to do those things. You are only seeing the solution is players can “fix it themselves”. That is not being objective what so ever.


how is telling someone to “go away” a violation of anything? like maybe if your 3?


I’ll break it down even more. I would like to solo content again that I could before. I cannot fix this. I can ask someone for help but since It’s something I like doing alone it defeats the purpose. The solution is adjusting numbers somewhere in code, not me asking for help from people who would only be doing charity. Is that better?


Unsure, but it is haha. I guess they see it as trolling?
Let’s stay on topic though if we can.

hmmm i’ve seen at least one other.

You are in your 70s?
Anyway, as you can see I did this at 204 ilvl dude.
I really don’t understand why you couldn’t reach that level, but what do you think is going to happen next season?
This content is going to get buffed so you are still going to struggle with it?
We are 8 weeks into a 2 year power cycle.

Seriously man.
This is not worth all these words over.
If you spent this much time trying to improve your character as you have telling me about how much older you are than me, you would have no problem solving this by now.

Its not meant to be difficult, so the only thing stopping you is yourself.