Disallow dual spec changes outside of cities

I’m glad you said it because the whole scenario sounds absurd. I could see a healer carrying a DPS set in case an extra healer shows up or something, and as someone maining a priest this time around, I’ll likely do exactly that… But different gear sets for healing different encounters AND two healing specs is excessive for anyone but the top guilds

They can do that without even changing specs so it’s hardly relevant. If they can’t be bothered going to town to change spec, just do it in whatever spec they’re currently in. It won’t make a difference.

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Fun fact: with 37 posts on an account that has only existed for one day, you are posting nearly 1,000% more per day on average than Crudlord (who has 5,000 posta over four years, or approximately 3.8 posts per day.)


Doesn’t, but they can take up bank slots instead of bag slots :wink:

You do know that you’re not playing vanilla, right?

You do know that this is the anniversary realms, right?

You do know that #nochanges is dead and buried and has been for years, right?

You do know that dual spec is the most popular feature that could have been added to anniversary, right?

You do know that you represent the underwhelming minority being a #nochanges andy in '24, right?


I’m not posting the intellectual equivalent of Beavis and Butthead playing team sports. I’m here to actually have a discussion. I could comment “poopfart” on every post and have 2000%.

That’s why you made an alt to continue trolling?

Guilds used to not require world buffs, either. Now, even casual guilds get them, in part because chronoboons make them easier to have for the raid.

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nah lol /ten

Every accusation is an confession.

If it’s rested places only that’s fine. The sleeping bag however…need to be removed completely.

Is this an item that has leaked over from SoD into Anniversary realms?

Another thing to cry about.

Make another alt and a new thread.

I definitely don’t want to see people changing specs in raids.

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Yeah the sleeping bag is awesome.

OKay, why not?

so what :expressionless: he’s not wrong
that goblin is the only one here makin sense imo

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why even have that friction just let us respecc anywhere. only the top 1% of guilds will force specs. ive been in progression raids where weve literally had people leave the raid to go respec just wasting 40 ppls time. dual spec also needs to be added to era

You mean the troll who’s one of the many trolls alt?

You people are ridiculous. No wonder you always lose.

Yeah, that’s what I was getting at as well. The extra friction hardly effects the intended audience for the friction. The sweaties are already porting to town to respec and getting summoned back. Considering nearly all raids will have a mage and a lock, this barely slows you down.

But if you are horde and getting ready to run Sunken Temple or an Ally getting ready to run ZF, you lose a tank, so you figure, no biggie I’ll go respec and tank, this restriction could cost that 5-man 20-30 minutes, easy.