Disallow dual spec changes outside of cities

This will (and tbh has) lead to undesired changes in raids. It will mean that you need to bring two specs (and gearsets) to raid if you want to be perfectly optimal. Honestly I would prefer if dual spec was removed entirely, but if it is to be in the game, you absolutely NEED to only allow people to change their specs when in a major city like Ironforge, Stormwind, Darnassus, Orgrimmar, Thunderbluff, and Undercity. If it is left like it is now, the meta will shift to every single warrior having to bring a tank spec to raid, every single healer expected to bring two healing specs (pi spec, kings spec, etc), etc etc etc. I know you all don’t like listening to people who play the game’s opinion on this stuff and would rather cater to the retail tourists or sod players fantasies of what a perfect vanilla looks like, but you need to seriously reevaluate decisions like this.


Doesn’t it already require you to be in town to swap? Or was that information wrong? Someone was saying that the other day.

Edit: But I do agree, if you can swap at any time that needs to change.


Major cities? Nah. Just rested areas would be sufficient.


Why do people make up these non existent scenarios. Literally no guild would ever require this except speed running guilds, and if you join a speed running guilds or HC guild you literally enjoy that type of meta game and want to do this.

Jimmy Jones and his casual pack downing MC in 2+ hours will never give a care about this nor will they even monitor your parses.


Why do you need to be optimal? If you look at the bosses they’ll probably get scared and give you their loot. Why do you need Blizzard to put restrictions on the game that negatively affect everyone just because you’re in a crazy raid group? If your raid leader is telling you to do crazy things in classic raids tell them to get a life.




Kind of sums up my opinion. Dual Spec vs not is a very valid debate.

Once dual spec is decided to be in the game, forcing people to run to a city or inn to switch specs? Nah.


A warrior should be able to slap on a shield and swap spec to tank a dungeon.

A shaman or paladin should be able to put on some int gear and swap to heal spec.

It’s worked fine in SoD and there shouldn’t be some stupid arbitrary restriction.


bring on the sleeping bags then lol

This is not the concern the OP has in mind.

Think just a tiny little bit about what DS brings to the table; and why its not really a good idea.

Think about why the OP is promoting what he is to counteract this.

Catering the game around what sweaty losers might do is how you get retail.

If they wanna be try hards and min max dual spec let them. Most people won’t care, but they will if there’s some silly rule about where you can change.


it never goes to the length you all think it does. 95% of people do not care to do stuff like hes suggesting. and if u find urself in a guild or run that does that. u have no one to blame but urself. have some self responsibility


Dual Spec is a retail feature and was never in “Vanilla”.

The problem is never the try hards, the problem are the all the locust posers who want to be like them and impose their will on YOU.


oh man, im not going to reply to specific people but it is very obvious most of you do not play this game.


They cant understand because they cannot see the big picture and how that impacts everyone.

Its the reason the law of unintended consequences exists.


yes, retail is when you change vanilla to make it more like retail. thank god for the wow forms to have the best takes.


They don’t even play vanilla and claim that they know what is best yet have next to zero actual practical present day experience.

Its like when bad feral druids and bad ret paladins tell me they need buffs for PVP when they very much do not, in some ways I would say that both Pala and Druid need nerfs in respect to PVP, not buffs. Just a normal day of bad players not knowing they’re bad.

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Agree, please fix dual spec

Being able to change in instances is awful. Just make it so you need to be in town


it’s funny how people don’t seem to realize this limitation is in the game :expressionless: most people are too low level or poor to buy it. once more people realize you can only switch specs in rested areas, there will be an uproar I’m sure.


i think you are misinformed or didn’t read the post