Disallow dual spec changes outside of cities

I dont see how this stops requiring to have 2 gears sets

I want dual spec for a pve and pvp spec… no way in hell would I run pve/pve. LOL Talk about sweat lords.

I have said this so many times. Everyone wants to be like the cool kids. It’s why all these streamers have fans that play the same class as them, same spec, hang on to every word of theirs as law. They too want to be “The best” so when they see people they deem to be cool doing things like the “We must stack warriors in a raid” or “you need two fully functioning specs to raid this content” despite it being piss easy, they will emulate those people because they want to be one of the cool kids. It’s always been that way, and it is to no fault of the people at the top.

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then why would you care about it not being able to be changed in raid…

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Please DO NOT allow dual spec swapping in raids. Dungeons might be fine but not raids please!! I don’t see anything wrong with taking a portal and swapping (similar to respeccing) but now it’s just free. But being able to do it mid-raid between pulls is pretty lame…. this isn’t sod


I dont give a sh1t. Where did I say I did. lol

my bad, didn’t realize you were illiterate.

And you are special. Carry on.

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No clue why you don’t have to go to your trainer to swap spec. Just lazy out of touch devs being lead on by a loud group of retail migrants.


“Do not allow dual spec in raid. It will lead to toxic raid leads requiring ridiculous commitments like always having 2 optimized specs and gear for every raid.”

“Do not touch my world buffs or allow me to chronoboon them. Raid leads requiring the collection of all relevant buffs and consumes is peak gameplay.”

there is a difference between friction in gameplay and the meta being to legit just not play the game. if you do not know the difference then i can’t help you.

You will never win. It’s their game now.


He is a warrior you have to excuse him. Crying about something that not even in the game. You can’t switch in raids. Go cry more

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And if you don’t understand what cognitive dissonance is, I can’t help YOU either.

cognitive dissonance is when two different solutions for two different problems

how and why are you guys making ds look so bad
lmao. just go to your raid like you been doing for years as normal.

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Good raids collected buffs as a team. Bad raids trying to emulate good raids is why we have chronoboon. Trying to compare these two things shows what raid you were apart of.

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to find the answer to your question, a good first place to look would be the original post.

go play era lol

insert dj khaled meme