That’s vanilla.
Nah, if I want to half-afk on a 10 minute flight path playing peggle I can do that on any version of the game
Op runs with 23 warriors in his raid.
Maybe you should have portals in every city with a loading screen to get you to your destination as fast as your internet will take you there as well. You don’t understand why vanilla was made.
Enjoy trolling the forums, kid
Nah, that’s against the spirit of Vanilla. I don’t think you understand what Classic is supposed to be
Mootwo plays the game far less than you
Citation needed.
You just said you don’t want to take a 10 min. flight path and that you would afk during it…?
As for immersion reasons, being able to change your spec. for any situation is against the spirit of vanilla. This isn’t supposed to be a convenient I can do it all at any time game. Choices have weight to them in vanilla with consequences.
Yeah, what about it? Traveling around while questing is typically made up of small flights from zone to zone, all on my own time. Having to travel back to a city to respec at a trainer involves one extended flight knowingly inconveniencing other players
If immersion were on the table then health and mana, gear having stats on them, human /jokes talking about making movies, among plenty of other things are also immersion breaking
Yep. My choice to buy dual spec is 50 gold I no longer have. My choice to have a dps and a tank spec means I don’t have a PvP spec. My choice to main spec tank in raids means I won’t be getting any dps gear until everyone else already has theirs, even on any fights where I sub dps
Even presuming you have real experiences to draw from, it’s clear they aren’t representative. You can find counterexamples fairly easily in practice by playing Cata right now or checking WCL from Wrath.
not to mention that a: in retail there is a tome that allows you to freely swap talents in raid (wonder why they would need that) and b: retail and cata have literally nothing to do with vanilla
Yes I’m sure the super sweaty min max guilds will play with dual spec(and that’s what they like doing anyways so it’s hardly a punishment), but for the majority of people you will never have to worry about being forced into dual speccing.
Once again there simply isn’t enough swing in role requirements for more than a few people to regularly be using dual spec in a raid.
That was specifically because scribe was kind of trash and didn’t offer anything.
Now it does
Every caster is gonna be jonsin for that sweet PI. you aint giving it they gonna be asking for healers that do, so by not playing the game optimally you (because of dual spec) are now a source of drama in your guild
Cool fantasy bro. I usually don’t fantasize about wow but you do you.
Dual spec doesn’t change that, if the guild was already demanding all priests go PI they already you know were.
Godspeed. Already I’m looking at a few unfinished chores, life admin and self-improvement I’d usually be on top of, and asking myself how I could possibly had neglected them…
… then I’m like, “oh, right.”
so… you admit that a few people would regularly use dual spec in raids.
Never said otherwise, and there’s going to be plenty of volunteers who have the specs needed without anyone being pressured into anything.