Disallow dual spec changes outside of cities

The question is who is the retail tourist?

Is it the Vanilla guy, who wants to tank and heal, or DPS and heal in group content, or is it the “Vanilla” guy, who asks for certain builds depending on the encounter?

Not the feature of Dual Spec is the problem, it´s the community that is elitist and toxic, asking for perfectionism in every aspect of this game.

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Doesn’t need to be this way. Join a guild that isn’t cutting edge lol.

These things you people make up that won’t even affect you is crazy.


Classic is pretty much retail WoW now. This really sucks. It’s because a bunch of people who never played Vanilla WoW started to come in and play Classic and complained so much about it that the game has pretty much become retail now.

HC is fun for me though. So I shall play it now. Log in and have fun. No changes? Yea…none.


Dual spec is in the game and the vast majority loves it.



No it’s not we’ve had dual spec for years and it’s exactly how dual spec plays out in the real world.

There simply isn’t a need for more than a few people to be switching specs during a raid and it’ never been a problem finding those people without forcing anyone to do anything.

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So unforch that no matter how hard you cry there is a no chance any changes will be made to dual spec in the coming future. Hope this helps.


The history of video games tells us that the longer a game is played the more optimization and min/maxing will dominate the meta. I can guarantee you that requiring two specs would eventually become the meta given enough time. This happens with literally every video game ever. But it would probably take more than a year.

So then it’s not just a time saver? You’re just wrong. Being able to swap talents by running into any rested area is a massive change to the game. Trying to claim otherwise either shows you’re arguing in bad faith or just don’t understand the game well.

It’s not about wasting your time on purpose. It’s about having resistance. Not allowing you to get everything all at once. Your talents have weight to them when you can’t just drop and pick them up at will.

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On the contrary, my friend, retail is very much catering to casuals.

Why do the trolls show up on alts to repeat the same stuff?

It’s just embarrassing.

Look at all the low post Andy’s parroting the same stuff as all of their alts.

Saying it’s nothing but a time saver is massive gaslighting to someone who has spent thousands of hours playing vanilla WoW.

Every post I read from you seems to add nothing to the conversation. You only seem to add the parts of “you’re trolling, good change blizzard”, we love dual spec.” or just being toxic across multiple forum posts. If I didn’t know, it’s almost like you’ve never played vanilla before, have any knowledge on the game pre cata, or are pretty young (which there’s nothing wrong with).

I think this is the problem though with forums. People get on here and give their opinions with no reasoning as to why, or having the knowledge or experience as to why it would or wouldn’t be a good change for the game. In doing so swaying the creator’s decision making, based on “X” players who don’t have the knowledge instead of the players who understand the games core fundamentals and also how vanilla will function with these changes in today’s min-maxing, try-hard, sweaty culture.


I stand correct even writing my post before seeing this new one.

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Another great one from the almighty Crud.

The irony.

well said :expressionless:

The bottom line is if you want to use your other spec. you need to go to your class trainer. Not even in city’s/inn’s. You need to have to go to your trainer.

Which defeats the entire point of dual spec, so no

No it doesn’t. Not in the slightest. You can still go use your other spec. with no cost once you go to your trainer and activate it. If you’re wanting to be able to respec. out anywhere in the world it’s for the reason of cheesing mechanics, changing the raid running meta, and playing a gogo gadget style game where you can fit any situation at any time. This isn’t supposed to be SoD 2.0


The gold cost is only the point for a handful of people. For most other players, it’s about being able to swap as needed. If I’m questing in dps and someone starts forming a dungeon group and needs a tank, it’s a waste of everyone’s time for me to go all the way back to a trainer and respec

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